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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 67 (1983)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1467

Last Page: 1467

Title: Harmony Field, Clarke County, Mississippi: A True Stratigraphic Trap: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Robert B. Lieber, Marshall C. Carothers

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Harmony field in Clarke County, Mississippi, has produced approximately 2 million bbl of oil since its discovery in 1968. Production has been from oolitic grainstones in the upper Jurassic Smackover Formation.

The trapping mechanism at Harmony field is a complex stratigraphic trap. Porous oolitic grainstones pinch out updip into tight carbonates and anhydrite. Structure contour Previous HitmapsNext Hit on top of the Smackover Formation indicate a low relief Previous HitstructuralNext Hit nose associated with the field. Additional structure Previous HitmapsNext Hit contoured at the top of the Haynesville anhydrite, approximately 500 ft (150 m) above the top of the Smackover, reveal only regional southwesterly dip. An isopach map of the interval between the two Previous HitstructuralNext Hit markers shows a thinning of Haynesville section coincident with the field area. Evidence suggests, therefore, that the porous Smackover in Harmony field was deposited with depositional relief above the surrounding sediments. This relief had been completely masked by the time the Hayn sville anhydrite was deposited.

Stratigraphic and Previous HitstructuralNext Hit Previous HitcrossNext Hit Previous HitsectionsNext Hit using the Haynesville anhydrite as datum indicate the Smackover in Harmony field consists of not one, but multiple, thin oolitic zones which are productive in various portions of the field. These zones grade laterally as well as updip into nonporous anhydritic carbonates.

The Smackover Formation is often considered to be a chronolithologic unit. In the Harmony field area it is a lithostratigraphic unit, i.e., a unit defined not by time but by a particular rock type, in this case a porous limestone.

During the Late Jurassic, the Harmony field area was near the updip limits of the Mississippi salt basin. Porous oolitic grainstones are interpreted as washovers or storm deposits into lagoons containing tight carbonate muds. Such a model can provide excellent exploration targets in similar areas within the Mississippi salt basin. As Harmony field demonstrates, we are looking for features with little Previous HitstructuralNext Hit expression and great variations in rock type--true stratigraphic traps.

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