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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 68 (1984)

Issue: 4. (April)

First Page: 535

Last Page: 535

Title: Mine Design Using Column Analysis--A Tool for the Incremental Evaluation of Open-Pit Previous HitMiningNext Hit Deposits: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Lonnie N. Tracy


Column analysis is a method whereby down-hole drill data can be assessed for open-pit Previous HitminingNext Hit potential. This technique enables a single hole to be evaluated as a small pit, and can serve as a basis for preliminary mine design. Specific operating costs are assigned to intervals of material as they are encountered from the surface to the base of Previous HitminingTop. Summed operating costs are then divided by the units of recoverable product anticipated. The resulting value (on a per unit basis) is then assigned to the individual hole being evaluated, and can be used directly in preliminary mine planning. Profitability can also be determined for each hole by multiplying the difference between the unit cost and the market value of the recovered product by the amount of recovered product. ine planning can then proceed by evaluating the quantity of favorable holes within a given area, their continuity, and the overall cost and profitability relative to desired or available market and production conditions.

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