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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 68 (1984)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1213

Last Page: 1213

Title: Formulation of Development Strategy for a Rodessa Gas Play in Eastern De Soto Parish, Louisiana: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Russell B. Hennessey, Victoria Provenza


A study of the Lower Cretaceous Bacon limestone (first Rodessa porosity) on the eastern edge of De Soto Parish, northern Louisiana, involving Previous HitthinNext Hit-Previous HitsectionNext Hit study, and the correlation of conventional core Previous HitanalysisTop with resistivity log data, has led to the successful differentiation of two sedimentary units.

Paleostructural isopachs coupled with standard isopachs of the sedimentary units has led to a more complete understanding of the depositional geometry and entrapping mechanism(s) of the pay interval (zone A).

The Bacon limestone of the Rodessa Formation is productive in several fields in De Soto Parish and the surrounding areas. The techniques and strategies used in this study may aid in the more successful development of existing plays and in the exploration for new fields.

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