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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 68 (1984)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1219

Last Page: 1219

Title: Depositional and Diagenetic History of Bodcaw Sand, Cotton Valley Group (Upper Jurassic), Longwood Field, Caddo Parish, Louisiana: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Billy Joe Russell, Jr., Austin A. Sartin


The Bodcaw Sand contains fine-grained sandstones and siltstones deposited within a barrier-bar sequence. Based on vertical changes in sedimentary structures, texture, and mineralogic composition, three distinct lithofacies (upper, middle, and lower shoreface) within the Bodcaw Sand and two associated lagoonal lithofacies were identified. Cross-stratification and low-Previous HitangleNext Hit laminations, rarely disrupted by biogenic structures, characterize the fine-grained upper shoreface sandstones. Middle shoreface sandstones have undergone extensive reworking by biotic and abiotic factors. Few primary sedimentary structures or early generation trace fossils are preserved in middle shoreface sandstones. Lower shoreface siltstones and very fine-grained sandstones contain lenticular and wav bedding features that are disrupted in many places by bioturbation.

The Bodcaw Sand has low porosity and permeability values. Vertical and lateral Previous HitvariationTop in porosity and permeability values are related to original deposition and subsequent diagenesis of Cotton Valley sediments. The Bodcaw Sand has had a complicated diagenetic history. Compaction, cementation, replacement, and dissolution have modified primary rock properties following deposition of barrier-bar sediments. Authigenic cementation plays an important role in modification of reservoir properties. Important authigenic minerals identified in the Bodcaw include silica, carbonates, and phyllosilicates. Two major diagenetic sequences are recognized on the basis of textural relationships between allogenic grains and authigenic constituents.

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