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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Traditionally, interpretation of dipmeter computations has required considerable expertise. Although dip angles and directions were computed precisely, relationships between successive correlations were left to qualitative visual inspection.
Now, with new software, 4- or 8-button data can be output in a form that allows routine quantitative analysis. This new program computes curves that provide measures of the thickness between dip correlations, planarity of correlations, parallelism of successive bedding planes, and grain-size trends from resistivity curve shapes.
Uses for this information are varied. To the extent that dipmeter correlations reflect bedding planes, the thickness between correlations can be used to study vertical changes in bed thickness. Combining grain-size trends with bedding characteristics and thickness, one obtains a sedimentologic description of the formation that can be displayed with easy-to-understand graphics. An appropriate depth scale allows a macroscopic view of several hundred to several thousand feet of log data or a microscopic examination of a short interval in great detail.
The dipmeter data can also be incorporated into computerized analysis of other wireline log data. Laminated formations can be identified, and the direction and dip of the laminations can be indicated on a lithofacies
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section. With different depositional units readily distinguishable in such a display, a clearer understanding can be obtained of the represented depositional environment. Further, well-to-well correlation is easier to make.
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