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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Microcomputer-based geologic work stations are becoming increasingly popular and are proving to be effective and efficient tools in exploration. They allow an explorationist to produce interactively many different types of maps and to formulate and test multiple geologic models. Maps can be updated and reproduced rapidly with the addition of data points.
To illustrate the power and versatility of microcomputer work stations, data from Raven Creek field were used to generate several sequences of maps that use a progressively larger number of data points, simulating the increasing number of wells available through time. The map sequences bring out early the nature of the Raven Creek oil trap, even with fewer data points than might be expected.
Sequences of several different maps were made for this study. These include isopach, trend, and residual maps of the Opeche, porosity and permeability distributions in the Minnelusa sands, structural contour maps (Minnelusa and Minnekahta), facies maps, as well as structural and stratigraphic cross sections. Perspective block diagrams were useful in visualizing many of these maps.
These maps, cross sections, and diagrams, and the changes in them brought about by sequentially adding data through time, show how an explorationist can rapidly formulate, test, and refine geologic and exploration models. The speed, versatility, and interactivity of the work station lets this be done in minimal time.
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