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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Recent Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) coring along U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) multichannel seismic lines 25 and 35 provides direct sampling of the depositional sequences that constitute the lower continental slope and upper continental rise of New Jersey. The sedimentary record from four core sites, integrated with a closely spaced grid of multi-channel seismic profiles, reveals 12 depositional sequences in the upper Campanian to Quaternary section that are bounded by erosional unconformities. Equivalent unconformity-bound depositional sequences are present on the contiguous continental shelf and upper slope; most sequences have counterparts in the Vail depositional model. Of particular interest is a complicated, stacked series of buried erosional channels dramatically displayed n seismic lines paralleling the depositional strike of the upper continental rise. The channels, which cut the upper surface of nearly every depositional sequence, probably formed during periods of low sea level. Channels on the lower Eocene surface display the greatest physiographic relief. Integration of seismic and bore-hole data suggests alternative correlations for several stratigraphically significant regional reflectors, such as A*, Ac, and Au.
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