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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The Ghadames basin covers an area of more than 3 million km2 in Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria. Although the basin has been productive since the mid-1950s, recent construction of a pipeline in western Libya has spurred additional exploration. The results of this increased drilling activity and the incorporation of earlier work have provided new data that indicate the following. (1) The clastic sequence underlying the Tanezzuft shales has porous and permeable fairways that may be related to the Hogar glaciation to the south. (2) The clastic sequence overlying the Tanezzuft shales was deposited as a northerly sourced fluvial-deltaic clastic wedge, which thins and becomes less porous to the south. Only in the area of the Gargaf arch does this sequence become cleaner nd more porous; there, a shoreline-sand depositional sequence dominates. An easterly source of the clastics is indicated.
With the lack of large structures in the basin, the facies model presented here for the depositional history provides indications of more productive porous and permeable fairways.
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