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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Directional permeabilities from nine attitude-oriented core samples of well-laminated eolian Lyons Sandstone from Larimer County, Colorado, were measured with a gas permeameter. Intrinsic permeabilities across the laminae, parallel to lamination and dip, and parallel to lamination
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and strike, were quantified and compared. Relative permeabilities of gas over the spectrum of oil saturation and porosities were also determined.
Permeability across the laminae ranged from 0.5 to 4 md, whereas permeability parallel to lamination ranged from 3 to 97 md. Permeability parallel to lamination was not significantly different when strike and dip directions were compared. Quantitative analyses of textures and fabrics of individual laminae explain the observed diversity of permeabilities. Relative permeabilities were highest at a given oil saturation measured downdip and along the laminae and lowest when measured perpendicular to lamination.
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