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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Low-grade metamorphic rocks (Neruokpuk Formation, sensu lato) underlying a regional angular unconformity in the northeastern Brooks Range have been interpreted as a conformable Precambrian to Devonian stratigraphic succession. The pre-Mississippian rocks include not only "miogeoclinal" quartzites and carbonates but also a variety of "eugeoclinal" lithologies such as radiolarian cherts, argillites, and graptolitic shales; mafic to intermediate volcanic rocks; and volcanogenic gray-wackes. Fossils of Cambrian, Ordovician, and Silurian age have been identified in these lithologies. Many of these units are fault-bounded and may be interpreted as pre-Mississippian tectono-stratigraphic terranes. Several of the terranes are depositionally overlapped by Middle(?) Devonian clasti rocks and intruded by plutonic rocks depositionally overlain by Mississippian and younger rocks, but which yield equivocal middle Paleozoic age dates. Similar relationships are exposed in the Doonersk anticlinorium in the central Brooks Range. These features are interpreted to indicate that the lower Paleozoic rocks of the eastern Brooks Range were tectonically assembled by accretionary processes along an active continental margin prior to Middle Devonian time. Subsequent uplift and erosion occurred prior to deposition of the Mississippian to Neocomian (Ellesmerian) passive margin sequence.
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