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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 69 (1985)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 861

Last Page: 861

Title: Electric Utilities' Stake in Applied Previous HitCoalNext Hit Geoscience: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Jeremy Platt

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Representing 85% of domestic Previous HitcoalNext Hit consumption, electric utilities are burning more Previous HitcoalNext Hit under stricter environmental regulations than ever before. Their stake in the application of Previous HitcoalNext Hit geoscience and related disciplines is urgent and ranges from national issues to local fuel management practices. At a national level, the availability and price of Appalachian low-sulfur Previous HitcoalNext Hit are critical unresolved questions. Uncertainties in resources in-place are compounded by uncertainties in recoverability, marketability, and transportation. In the face of acid deposition legislation, utility fuel and compliance strategies are influenced by these considerations and a host of other utility-specific factors, none of which are well understood. Day-to-day fuel management practices call fo increased attention to Previous HitcoalNext Hit quality, reliability, variability, and performance in efforts to reduce electricity-generation costs, but the necessary information is rarely available. The role of applied Previous HitcoalNext Hit geoscience, properly integrated with other disciplines, is enormous and will yield benefits to both Previous HitcoalTop producers and utilities.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists