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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 69 (1985)

Issue: 10. (October)

First Page: 1518

Last Page: 1533

Title: Oil and Gas Developments in Mid-Eastern States in 1984

Author(s): Douglas G. Patchen (2), Kenneth A. Schwarz (3), Theodore A. Debrosse (4), Michael P. McCormac (5), John A. Harper (6), William W. Kelly, Jr. (7), Katharine Lee Avary (8)


The mid-eastern states are the southern half of the northeastern United States and include Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Drilling activity, as measured by completions received during the year, increased slightly in 4 of the 5 states. However, these slight increases failed to offset a large (1,081-well) decrease in Ohio, so overall activity decreased 8.7%, with 10,011 wells reported. Exploratory completions also decreased 38.2% (to 312), as each state (except Maryland) reported a decline in activity. Footage drilled decreased 5.6%, as increases in 4 states again failed to offset a large decrease in Ohio. Wells reported as gas producers (4,406) increased 10.0%, whereas wells capable of producing oil (i.e., oil wells plus combination wells) decre sed 21.1% (to 4,789). Production of oil increased in 3 states and was up 3.3% for the region. Gas production increased significantly in all 5 states and was up 25.1% for the area.

For the first time in 3 years, a well was drilled in Maryland: an unsuccessful new-field wildcat on the Deer Park anticline in Garrett County. Gas production increased 95.1% because wells were not shut in during 1984 as they had been in 1983. The active leasing program continued in the Taylorsville basin, southeast of Washington, D.C.

Activity in Ohio decreased significantly from record-setting 1983, with completions down 17.3%. Footage drilled decreased 16.5% as shallow wells (average 3,644 ft/well), mostly to the Lower Silurian Clinton-Medina section (77.1% of all wells), dominated activity. Combination oil and gas wells accounted for 65.1% of all new producers, and the overall success rate (92.6%) remained high. Exploratory activity decreased 30.0%, and only 3.3% of all new wells were classified as exploratory. Oil production increased 2.1%, and gas production increased 23.3%.

Drilling activity in Pennsylvania increased 2.3% from 1983, and footage drilled increased 15.7%. Exploratory activity, however, decreased 29.5%, exploratory footage decreased 24.7%, and seismic activity decreased 61.0%. Success rates remained very high for all wells (97.7%), deep wells (97.4%), and exploratory wells (89.5%). Deep drilling increased 7.9% and again was concentrated in several northwestern counties in the Lower Silurian Medina trend. Shallow drilling increased slightly and was dominated by development of oil and gas reservoirs in the Upper Devonian Venango and Bradford Groups. Shallow exploration programs attempted to extend areas of Venango and Bradford production, whereas deep exploration concentrated on the Medina and, to a lesser extent, on several Lower Devonian and Upper Silurian targets. Oil production in Pennsylvania increased 7.4%, and gas production increased 40.5%.

Virginia had a significant increase in drilling activity (78.9%) and footage drilled (127.4%). Exploratory drilling, however, decreased 40.0%, although the success rate (77.8%) was high. New gas was discovered in 4 Mississippian reservoirs and 1 Devonian shale well, and oil was discovered in Ordovician Trenton and Knox carbonates. Development drilling was concentrated in gas fields producing from middle and Lower Mississippian units and the Devonian shale, and in Trenton oil fields. Production of natural gas reached a record high, up 105.4% from the 1983 total. Oil production, however, decreased 49.8%.

Drilling in West Virginia stayed near the level of the previous 2 years as completions reported were up only slightly (1.9%), and total footage increased 6.4%. Exploratory completions decreased 60.4%, but seismic activity was up 14.3%. Exploration programs were still concentrated on various Upper Devonian reservoirs: fine sandstones or siltstones in several north-central counties, or laterally equivalent shale formations farther west. Interest in the Eastern Overthrust belt increased, however, and several discoveries were announced, including a Tuscarora discovery just west of the Allegheny structural front in McDowell County. Deep drilling increased 29.0% and had a success rate of 50.6% , far below the state's average (95.6%). Gas wells continued to dominate new completions, up 11.9% from 1983, as oil completions decreased. Production of both oil and gas increased, however, 4.9% and 10.5%, respectively.

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