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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 70 (1986)

Issue: 10. (October)

First Page: 1643

Last Page: 1649

Title: Developments in Previous HitCoalNext Hit in 1985

Author(s): Samuel A. Friedman (2), Richard W. Jones (3), Mary L. W. Jackson (4), Colin G. Treworgy (5)


In 1985, United States mines in 26 states produced 895.9 million short tons of Previous HitcoalNext Hit, an increase of less than 1% from 1984. Of this Previous HitcoalNext Hit, the Eastern Previous HitCoalNext Hit Province (mostly the Appalachian region) produced 48.5%, the western United States (the Rocky Mountain, Northern Great Plains, and Pacific Previous HitCoalNext Hit Provinces, and the Alaskan coalfields) produced 30%, the Interior Previous HitCoalNext Hit Province produced 21%, and the Gulf Previous HitCoalNext Hit Province produced 0.5%. In rank, less than 1% was anthracite, 66% was bituminous, 26% (mostly from the western provinces) was subbituminous, and 8% (from Texas and North Dakota) was lignitic.

About 2,871 Previous HitcoalNext Hit mines in Kentucky led the nation by producing a record-breaking 169.6 million tons of Pennsylvanian Previous HitcoalNext Hit, followed by Wyoming with 140.7 million tons of mostly Tertiary subbituminous Previous HitcoalNext Hit, and West Virginia, which slid to third place with 127.3 million tons of Pennsylvanian Previous HitcoalNext Hit. Pennsylvania ranked fourth with 66 million tons of mostly bituminous Previous HitcoalNext Hit (4% was anthracite), and Illinois was fifth with 60.6 million tons of Pennsylvanian bituminous Previous HitcoalNext Hit.

Surface mines produced 57% of United States Previous HitcoalNext Hit production in 1985.

New mines were developed in all the Previous HitcoalTop regions. For the first time, a large captive strip mine began lignite production in Louisiana in 1985 to provide fuel for a nearby 750-MW electricity-generating plant.

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