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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 71 (1987)

Issue: 7. (July)

First Page: 810

Last Page: 821

Title: Previous HitHydrocarbonNext Hit-Previous HitExpulsionNext Hit Model and Its Application to Niigata Area, Japan

Author(s): Kazuo Nakayama (2)


A one-dimensional process response-type model has been set up to simulate geologic processes of compaction, heat transfer, source rock maturation, and Previous HithydrocarbonNext Hit generation and Previous HitexpulsionNext Hit during a basin's development. The model can be used to calculate the quantity of oil and/or gas expelled from a source rock under certain conditions. Although the model simplifies chemical and physical conditions within sedimentary rocks, it may be used as a first approximation in geologic reconstructions of sedimentary basins.

When applied to the Niigata area, Japan, the model predicted the most significant parameters associated with Previous HithydrocarbonNext Hit Previous HitexpulsionNext Hit, including the rate of burial and the quantity of hydrocarbons generated. The model also revealed that the time of Previous HithydrocarbonNext Hit Previous HitexpulsionNext Hit varied from place to place even within the small, northern Niigata basin. Major petroleum fields formed when Previous HitexpulsionNext Hit (favorable timing) coincided with the development of structure; thus, a realistic estimate of the timing of Previous HitexpulsionNext Hit is a key to Previous HithydrocarbonTop exploration.

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