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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 71 (1987)

Issue: 10B. (October Part B)

First Page: 238

Last Page: 292

Title: Oil and Gas Developments in Far East in 1986

Author(s): R. A. Soeparjadi (2), L. Z. Valachi (3), R. Widjonarko (3), S. Sosromihardjo (3)


The oil price collapse triggered a significant slowdown in exploration activities in 1986, especially drilling. The number of exploratory wells declined 40% from 1985, and seismic Previous HitacquisitionTop also decreased. Development drilling decreased by a modest 2%.

There were no major discoveries in 1986. Several oil and gas finds of modest sizes, however, were made in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and People's Republic of China.

New acreage awards were high in Pakistan and People's Republic of China, and included the first onshore permit signed in People's Republic of China.

Liquids production in 1986 in the Far East increased nearly 5% to 5.4 million b/d, and gas output was up to 10.8 bcf/day.

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