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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 72 (1988)

Issue: 7. (July)

First Page: 845

Last Page: 851

Title: Determination of Subsurface Distance Between Vertical Parallel Natural Fractures Based on Core Data: GEOLOGIC NOTE

Author(s): Roberto Aguilera (2)


I present a simplified method to estimate subsurface distance between vertical parallel fractures based on core analysis and the binomial theorem. The geologic model used in this paper is identical to the one presented by Narr and Lerche in 1984.

Required input data include core diameter (D), thickness of each bed intercepted by the core (T), angle between core axis and fractures (ß), and angle between core axis and bedding (^Thgr). The method is corroborated with the use of outcrop data previously published by Narr and Lerche in 1984. The approach is illustrated with a step-by-step example, which easily can be reproduced with a hand-held calculator by the practicing geologist.

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