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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 73 (1989)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 707

Last Page: 728

Title: Diagenesis and Preservation of Porosity in Norphlet Formation (Upper Jurassic), Southern Alabama

Author(s): S. A. Dixon (2), D. M. Summers (3), R. C. Surdam (4)


Sandstones of the Norphlet Formation (Upper Jurassic) in the vicinity of Lower Mobile Bay, Alabama, have porosities greater than 20% and permeabilities up to about 1 darcy at depths of more than 20,000 ft (6,096 m). Typically, pre-Tertiary sandstones buried to such depths have approximately 6% (±2%) porosity; thus, deep Norphlet sandstones contain up to 14% "excess" porosity. This porosity is largely intergranular and appears to be preserved primary porosity.

When the diagenetic scenario for the Norphlet is reconstructed in a time-temperature framework, it is apparent that porosity preservation is not the result of any single diagenetic event, but is due to a continuous series of diagenetic conditions that overlapped in time. The most important of these circumstances were the following. (1) The lack of pervasive early calcite or anhydrite cements found in the large eolian dunes (10-300 ft or 3-91 m high) that comprise the best Norphlet reservoirs. This lack of cement may have set the stage for subsequent events by keeping open pathways through which fluids were later able to efficiently contact the sandstone. (2) Early grain-coating clay/iron oxide rims reacted to form chlorite in the 176°-248°F (80°-120°C) thermal wind w. The grain-rimming chlorite may have inhibited subsequent quartz cementation. Up to 10.5% porosity may be due to the porosity preserving effect of chlorite. (3) Migration of hydrocarbons and development of geopressures, beginning at temperatures as low as 230°F (110°C), retarded further cementation. Up to 4.5% porosity may be due to the combined effects of hydrocarbons and geopressures. (4) A series of CO2-generating reactions occurred, including decarboxylation of organic acids, thermal cracking of liquid hydrocarbons, and thermochemical sulfate reduction. As a result of these reactions, late carbonate cements were not abundant. Thermochemical sulfate reduction (275°-356°+F or 135°-180°+C) has been of particular importance in the deep Norphlet. Reaction of hydrocarbons with anhydrite has resulted in the local removal of nodular anhydrite and has also affected gas quality (i.e., H2S content).

The preserved porosity in Norphlet sandstones is the result of a combination of circumstances. The fact that these conditions overlapped in time-temperature space may be as important as any single factor.

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