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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 73 (1989)

Issue: 8. (August)

First Page: 1011

Last Page: 1017

Title: Low-Temperature Pyrolysis of Green River Kerogen: GEOLOGIC NOTE

Author(s): H. Freund, S. R. Kelemen (2)


The extrapolation of high-temperature pyrolysis data to kerogen maturation conditions occurs over many orders of magnitude. Quite possibly, the chemical kinetics of a high-temperature regime may be different for a low-temperature regime, making the extrapolation meaningless.

We have mildly thermally treated Green River kerogen to remove the low activation energy non-oil-bearing material. Low-temperature (209°-388°C) isothermal reaction measurements on this refined material indicate that the same reaction kinetics for the oil production from Green River kerogen obtained at high temperature (400°-500°C) are valid as low as 209°C. The same Arrhenius parameters apply over the entire range: k = 1 × 1013 exp (-51300/RT) sec-1. This means that the overall decomposition mechanism, most probably a radical decomposition mechanism applicable at high temperature, is also applicable at low temperature (209°C), and, perhaps, geological (i.e., 50°-160°C) temperatures. Olefins are initially produced in a ydrocarbon radical decomposition process. We show that with time, these olefins are converted to paraffins, presumably using the residual hydrogen in the converted kerogen.

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