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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 74 (1990)

Issue: 10B. (October Part B)

First Page: 84

Last Page: 88

Title: Oil and Gas Developments in Michigan in 1989

Author(s): D. Michael Bricker, William L. Henderson (2)


In 1989, drilling for Devonian Antrim Shale targets dominated Michigan's drilling scene with 66% of the wells drilled having Antrim Shale objectives. The remaining drilling activity was spread among rocks ranging from the Mississippian through the Precambrian throughout the Michigan basin.

Exploration resulted in 37 discoveries, 49% of which were Niagaran reef reservoirs. Another 38% of the discoveries was in the still-emerging Lower Ordovician deep play.

Drilled footage amounted to 745,160 ft exploratory and 1,322,951 ft development, compared with 1,023,471 ft exploratory and 1,080,978 ft development in 1988. An additional 66,575 ft was drilled in facility or service wells.

Gas sales increased in 1989, whereas oil production declined. Preliminary figures show that Michigan produced 21,754,847 bbl of oil and 162,826 mmcf of gas in 1989.

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