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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 78 (1994)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1386

Last Page: 1405

Title: Previous HitDistributionNext Hit and Generation of the Previous HitOverpressureNext Hit System, Eastern Delaware Basin, Western Texas and Southern New Mexico

Author(s): Ming Luo (2), Mark R. Baker (3), David V. LeMone (3)


Three subsurface pressure systems have been identified in the Delaware basin: an upper normal pressure system, a middle Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit system, and a lower normal pressure system. The Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit system occurs in the eastern Delaware basin, covering six Texas and New Mexico counties. The depth of the Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit system ranges from 3100 to 5400 m. The normal fluid pressure gradient is 0.0103 MPa/m in the eastern Delaware basin. The highest Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit gradient, however, approaches 0.02 MPa/m, which is close to the lithostatic gradient of 0.0231 MPa/m. The Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit system has a relatively flat top and a downwarped bottom. The maximum thickness of the Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit system reaches about 2300 m at the depocenter and pinches out toward the edges. An area of excess pressure o curs within the system where the highest excess pressure reaches 60 MPa. Local underpressured areas due to production are found in the lower normal pressure system in the War-Wink field area.

Previous HitOverpressureNext Hit in the eastern Delaware basin is mainly associated with Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, and Permian (Wolfcampian) shale sequences, which also are major source rocks in the basin. Initial sedimentation rates within the Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit system range from 17 to 90 m/m.y. Corrected bottom-hole temperature measurements indicate that the geothermal gradient within the Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit zone is 25.1°C/km, which is higher than the basin's average geothermal gradient of 21°C/km. Temperatures at the top and bottom of the Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit system are about 80 and 115°C, respectively. This temperature range approximates the temperature of the average clay dehydration zone. The oil window in the War-Wink field is coincident with the Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit system, which implies that Previous HithydrocarbonNext Hit g neration and migration are active in the Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit system.

A two-stage Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit model is proposed. Previous HitHydrocarbonNext Hit maturation combined with mechanical compaction disequilibrium and clay dehydration are the initial causes for Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit generation due to an abnormal increase of fluid volume and pore space. Subsequently, the increase in temperature due to a decrease of thermal conductivity and fluid migration within the preexisting Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit system would reinforce further overpressuring due to the fluid thermal expansion.

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