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Stratigraphy, Facies Architecture, and Reservoir Character of a Pleistocene
Shelf-Margin Delta Complex, Eugene Island Block 330 Field, Offshore Louisiana1 Bruce S. Hart, David M. Sibley
and Peter B. Flemings4 |
ABSTRACT The GA interval of the Eugene Island Block
330 field is the deposit of a late Pleistocene (~0.8
Ma) shelf-margin lowstand delta complex. We integrated three-dimensional
( 3-D ) seismic, wireline log, core, and cuttings data to examine the delta's
internal architecture and to reconstruct its depositional history. This
interval displays a complex vertical and lateral interfingering of channel,
clinoform, and base-of-slope failure deposits over short distances (a few
kilometers), and is the product of delta lobe progradation and switching
accompanied by syndepositional structural development (growth faults, rollover
anticline) and relative sea level change.
We then integrated our sequence stratigraphic
interpretation with production data. Hydrocarbon accumulations in the interval
are primarily associated with the updip facies (delta mouth bar, delta
front) beneath the flooding surface at the top of the interval, and not
the sequence boundary at the base of the interval. Maps of seismic amplitudes |
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