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Burial History and Kinetic Modeling for Hydrocarbon Generation, Part II: Applying the galo Model to Saharan Basins1

Monzer Makhous, Yurii Galushkin, and Nikolai Lopatin4


The galo basin evolution model described in Makhous et al. (1997) is applied to evaluate hydrocarbon generation and migration histories in several Saharan basins. Three basins, the Oued el-Mya, Ghadames, and Illizi, are located in the central and eastern parts of the Saharan platform and are investigated in detail. The Ahnet, Mouydir, Timimoun, Reggane, and other basins located in the southern and western parts of the platform are also studied. The modeling results, combined with geochemical data, are used in a synthesis of the regional framework.

The thermal gradients in the Ghadames and Illizi basins are greater than those in the Oued el-Mya basin. This difference is attributed to differences in sedimentation and subsidence rates, to less Hercynian erosion, and to fewer occurrences of evaporates in the Akfadou region of the Ghadames basin and in the Mereksen region of the Illizi basin. In the southern and western parts of the Illizi province, the major subsidence occurred before Hercynian uplift. Very moderate Hercynian uplift in the Ghadames and Illizi basins did not involve a significant decrease of temperatures, and organic matter Previous HitmaturationTop continued,

©Copyright 1997. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

1Manuscript received July 24, 1995; revised manuscript received November 7, 1996; final acceptance June 4, 1997.

2Moscow State University, Geology Faculty, Department of Petroleum Geology and Geochemistry, 119899, Moscow, Russia.

3Moscow State University, Geology Museum, 119899, Moscow, Russia.

4Geosystems Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Varshavskoye Shosse 8, 113105, Moscow, Russia.

M. Makhous wishes to thank N. Zouaouche, Sonatrach's former vice-president, and A. Belhaouas, director of Sonatrach's Center of Research and Development, for their encouragement to conduct geochemical and lithological research on Saharan basins.

We gratefully thank former Elected Editor Kevin T. Biddle for his suggestions and guidelines for improving the manuscript. We are indebted to A. E. Bence, who carefully reviewed the manuscript, revised the text, and provided many helpful suggestions. We are grateful to reviewers Roger Marzi, James A. Peterson, and Jim Clark for many helpful comments and improvements to the text. Olga Simonenkova is acknowledged for printing assistance.

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