AAPG Bulletin, V. 82 (1998), No. 1
(January 1998), P. 1-24.
Thirtyone Formation, Permian Basin, Texas: Structural
and Lithologic Heterogeneity in a Lower Devonian Chert Reservoir
Scott L. Montgomery1
© Copyright 1998. The American Association
of Petroleum Geologists. All Rights Reserved.
1Petroleum Consultant, 1511 18th Ave. East, Seattle, Washington
Grateful acknowledgment is expressed to the following individuals
and companies for their assistance in supplying essential information:
Art Saller, Unocal, Sugar Land, Texas; Stephen C. Ruppel, Bureau of Economic
Geology, Austin, Texas; Alex Wormath and John Polasek, Apache Resources,
Houston Texas; and Rob Finley, Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, Texas.
A significant amount of data on Three Bar field was provided in the form
of internal company reports, prepared by Amoco geologists during the companys
ownership of the field during the 1980s. I would like to acknowledge the
work done by these geoscientists toward an understanding of the field.
Send reprint requests to AAPG Publications Manager, P.O. Box 979, Tulsa,
Oklahoma 74101-0979.
M = million; T = trillion.
Chert and carbonate reservoirs of the Early Devonian Thirtyone
Formation comprise a major regional reservoir in the Permian basin, with
more than 700 Mbbl production to date and roughly an equal amount of potentially
producible reserves remaining. Most major pools in the Thirtyone Formation
were discovered several decades ago and are now in relatively advanced
stages of enhanced recovery, with significant variation apparent in response
to waterflooding among different fields. As shown by comparison between
Dollarhide and Three Bar fields, reservoirs display significant heterogeneity
due to structure and to depositional/diagenetic factors affecting porosity
development. Most studies of these fields to date have tended to emphasize
depositional and diagenetic factors as the reason for observed variation
in enhanced recovery performance; however, structural factors may be of
nearly equal importance. Enhanced recovery at Dollarhide field, for example,
has been extremely successful, with waterflood recoveries more than double
those under primary production, and a tertiary CO2 flood expected
to do nearly as well. This extraordinary level of success is understood
as a result of a combination of reservoir character and compartmentalization,
with the latter especially related to division of the field into several
fault block portions. Mapping of these fault blocks and their related structures
has been greatly advanced by a recent 3-D (three-dimensional) seismic survey.
Ultimate recovery at Dollarhide is projected at 62% of original oil in
place. In comparison, production history at Three Bar field shows a lower
level of overall recovery, yet a very similar increase between primary
and secondary production. Reservoir heterogeneity related to depositional/diagenetic
factors appears more pronounced at Three Bar field than at Dollarhide field,
but faulting is also significant with respect to division of the field
into separate blocks with distinct productive histories. A 3-D seismic
survey may provide important discriminating data useful for a future CO2
flood or other tertiary recovery project at Three Bar field.