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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
AAPG Bulletin, V.
1Manuscript received April 29, 1996; revised manuscript received
January 23, 1997; final acceptance August 25, 1997.
2Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University,
Giza, Egypt.
I wish to thank the reviewers E. Heydari, W. P. Albert, and A. S. Alsharhan,
as well as the former Elected Editor K. T. Biddle, for their valuable comments.
Thanks also to G. Philip for his critical reading and discussions. I acknowledge
A. Wali and O. Attia for their reading of an early draft of the manuscript.
The effort of the publications manager K. M. Wolgemuth, and his encouragement,
are appreciated.
The second type of carbonate is a biogenic- epigenetic carbonate that
formed under low temperatures by biochemical reactions between seeping
hydrocarbons and the overlying Miocene evaporites. The carbonate is vuggy,
is included within or caps the evaporites, and usually shows hydrocarbon
stains or emits a hydrocarbon smell. The sulfur is usually yellow, but
may be brown to black due to bitumen staining. Carbonates replace gypsum
or anhydrite and occur as aragonite, calcite, or dolomite. The d13C
mean values for carbonate minerals range from -7.8 to -27.2 PDB, being
relatively heavier than the d13C
values of the nearby crude oil (-28.1 to -29.3 PDB). Carbon isotope values
indicate that these carbonates were formed from the heavier organic carbon
dioxide under reducing conditions, where the lighter methane is stable.
The occurrence of biogenic-epigenetic carbonates and sulfur in the evaporite
deposits of the Gulf of Suez petroliferous basin is similar to that recorded
in other basins such as the Gulf Coast basins of Texas, Louisiana, and
southern Mexico; the Fergana and Amudarya depression of central Asia; and
the Mesopotamian depression in Iraq. The biogenic-epigenetic carbonates
or sulfur in some regions is considered as a criterion for petroleum microseepage
that may indicate a potential hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir at depth.
The Gulf of Suez petroliferous basin is characterized by the occurrence
of a middle-upper Miocene evaporite cap. Field and subsurface investigations
in the southwest Gulf of Suez region indicate that the evaporites usually
contain two types of biogenic carbonates in addition to sulfur. The first
type of carbonate is biogenic-syngenetic in origin and was formed in low-temperature
euxinic aquatic environments by the reduction of dissolved sulfates and
the oxidation of organic matter by sulfate-reducing bacteria. The resulting
carbonate and sulfur are stratigraphically restricted within the evaporite
sequence and occur as interlaminated gypsum-calcite-sulfur, or as sulfur
ooids, sulfur globules, and stromatolitic sulfur that are enclosed in gypsum
or calcite. The biogenic-syngenetic carbonate and sulfur did not originate
from petroleum and have a significance of euxinic aquatic settings.
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