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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
AAPG Bulletin, V.
Late Paleozoic Deformation of Interior North America: The Greater Ancestral Rocky Mountains: Discussion1
1Manuscript received May 8, 1997; revised manuscript received
September 2, 1997; final acceptance May 27, 1998.
2Chevron, P.O. Box 5046, San Ramon, California 94583.
I agree with Ye et al. (1996) that interpreting the exact age of movement
on faults is often difficult because of lack of age control on key stratigraphic
horizons and geologic relationships. They emphasized that the first motion
on several large-scale structures within the Ancestral Rocky Mountains
occurred at approximately the same time (Late Mississippian or Early Pennsylvanian),
and motion ended regionally at approximately the same time (Late Pennsylvanian
or Early Permian); however, it is possible to interpret more detail of
the timing and relative rates of structural differentiation of individual
uplifts and basins from what is known of the stratigraphic record. There
are uncertainties in the relationship between maximum rate of structural
differentiation and maximum sediment thickness in the adjoining basin;
however, rapid increases in sedimentation rates and orders-of-magnitude
changes in thickness of synorogenic deposits for succeeding, relatively
brief time periods (McKee and Crosby, 1975; Kluth, 1986) can be interpreted
to reflect changes in the rate of structural differentiation and development
of accommodation space.
The Ancestral Rocky Mountain basins were not starved for sediment, as
implied by Ye et al. (1996, p. 1419). The Ancestral Rocky Mountain basins
were filled as they subsided by synorogenic sediments eroded from nearby
uplifts. The synorogenics are interbedded with shallow-marine limestones,
which include subaerial exposure surfaces, even in the centers of basins.
This relationship indicates that basin filling kept pace with subsidence,
so that the basin surface was near sea level throughout the history of
rapid development (Baars et al., 1988; T. Lawton, 1997, personal communication).
The exception to this general relationship may be the well-known starved
basins in the southern part of the system (see Ye et al., 1996, p. 1400-1403).
An example of the greater detail of the stratigraphic record than that
cited by Ye et al. (1996) is provided by the Paradox basin/Uncompahgre
uplift in southwestern Colorado. The Early Pennsylvanian rocks include
shallow-marine carbonates and are approximately 100 m in the center of
the Paradox basin. The Desmoinesian rocks in the Paradox basin are over
3000 m thick (Frahme and Vaughn, 1983) and include evaporites and shales
that grade into arkosic sandstones along the mountain front. In the later
Pennsylvanian, the arkoses extended farther out into the basin, indicating
that the rate of subsidence was decreasing relative to erosion and deposition
from the uplift. (De Voto, 1980). The data, taken altogether, indicate
that the rate of structural differentiation, although not precisely constrained
in absolute
End page 2272----------------
terms, can be interpreted to have a maximum in the Desmoinesian and
gradually decrease in the Late Pennsylvanian.
This type of analysis is possible in other basins cited by Ye et al.
(1996). In the Anadarko basin, the most intense thrusting is interpreted
to have been in the Atokan (Brewer et al., 1983). The Red River uplift
and Matador arch were emergent in the Morrowan and submerged in the Missourian
(McKee and Crosby, 1975; Kluth, 1986; Ye et al., 1996). The Wolfcampian
section in the Delaware basin is over 4 km thick and proximal synorogenic
facies first appear along the flanks of the Central Basin uplift in the
lower part of the Wolfcampian section (McKee and Crosby, 1975; Kluth, 1986;
Ye et al., 1996, p. 1410). Rapid tectonism in the Pedregosa basin began
approximately during the Desmoinesian and continued into the late Wolfcampian
(Ye et al., 1996). Uplift of the Sierra del Nido uplift in northern Mexico
is late Wolfcampian-Leonardian, and subsidence in the Las Delicias basin
[Chihuahua trough of Ye et al. (1996)] does not end until the Guadalupian
or Ochoan (Ye et al., 1996). Similar interpretations have been made (Kluth,
1986; Baars et al., 1988) for basins not cited by Ye et al. (1996).
The pattern of maximum tectonic activity for late Paleozoic basins in
the western United States, as seen in the stratigraphic record, is spatially
diachronous and correlates more closely with the development of features
within the Ouachita-Marathon orogene to the southeast (Graham et. al.,
1975; McKee and Crosby, 1975; Kluth, 1986) than was inferred by Ye et al.
(1996). Their narrative included statements that support this interpretation.
Ye et al. (1996) emphasized the thrust-faulted mountain fronts on uplifts
that have been recognized for some time within the Greater Ancestral Rocky
Mountains (Frahme and Vaughn, 1983, White and Jacobson, 1983; McConnell,
1989); however, the references that Ye et al. cited (Baars and Stevenson,
1984; Baars et al., 1988) suggest that the bounding fault zone between
the Uncompahgre uplift and Paradox basin, for instance, is more complicated
in terms of the geometry and types of faults than they portray. The geometry
of the fault zones that separates the Uncompahgre uplift from both the
Central Colorado trough to the north and the Paradox basin to the south
are thrust faults in some areas, but are a complicated array of high-angle
faults in other areas (Baars et al., 1988).
Other examples include the Gore fault (not cited by Ye et al., but a
major bounding fault for the eastern side of the Central Colorado trough)
on the west-central side of the Frontrange uplift. This fault dips westward
at a high angle (>75°) (Tweto and Lovering, 1977) and has approximately
3000 m of late Paleozoic structural relief. This fault was a high-angle
fault during the Ancestral Rocky Mountains deformation and is oriented
subparallel to the bounding thrust on the Uncompahgre uplift to the southwest.
West of the Gore fault, in the Central Colorado trough, seismic and other
data (De Voto et al., 1986; Wachter and Johnson, 1986) indicate that the
deformation of that region and the northwestern side of the Uncompahgre
uplift was by high-angle faulting. De Voto et al. (1971) documented late
Paleozoic normal faults bounding the Apishapa uplift.
The northern part of the eastern Frontrange was an easterly dip slope
into the late Paleozoic Denver basin (Tweto, 1980; Kluth, 1997). The data
indicate that this region did not have thrust geometry as asserted by Ye
et al. (1996, figure 1).
Little data are published for the fault patterns active within the cores
of most of the uplifts during the late Paleozoic. The data presented by
Ye et al. (1996, p. 1410) do not support the statement that the Central
Basin platform is "strongly folded and faulted." A detailed analysis by
Yang and Dorobek (1995a) suggested the presence of normal and reverse faults
within the core of the Central Basin platform, and along its margins. The
style of faulting observed in that region appears to relate to the area
examined. The subsidence profile of the Delaware and Midland basins of
Yang and Dorobek (1995b) are similar to those shown by Ye et al. (1996).
Yang and Dorobek (1995b) have interpreted the Delaware and Midland basins
have a different structural model for their generation. Thus, the subsidence
models must be considered nonunique support for their thrust loading hypothesis
for basin development.
In summary, existing data from throughout the region indicate that fault
geometries are more complex than that depicted by Ye et al. (1996) and
that they change geometry along strike. Ye et al. (1996) have understated
the diverse geometry of the faults and mountain fronts for which there
are published data; therefore, because there is "little or no direct evidence
of basement-involved overthrusting in other basin systems" (Ye et al.,
1996, p. 1419), their statement that it "seems highly likely that all of
these basins have a common origin related to thrusting of basement over
the margins of the basins" (Ye et al., 1996, p. 1419) is unjustified.
The argument of Ye et al. (1996, p. 1426) about the general subsidence
of the Greater Ancestral
End page 2273----------------
Rocky Mountains region is overstated. The southern uplifts, near the
Ouachita/Marathon orogene (the Central basin and Diablo platforms in west
Texas, Wichita uplift), were covered by sedimentary rocks in the Permian.
Northward in the Ancestral Rocky Mountain system and farther from the Ouachita/Marathon
region, however, the basement in the cores of the uplifts remained exposed
for approximately 100 m.y. after deformation ended and they (Frontrange,
Wet Mountains, Uncompahgre, San Luis uplifts) were not covered until the
Late Jurassic (De Voto et al., 1971; Tweto, 1979).
I agree with Ye et al. (1996, p. 1420) that tectonic events along the
western margin of the United States "offer little possibility of a cause"
for the development of the Greater Ancestral Rocky Mountains (Kluth and
Coney, 1981; Kluth, 1986). I also agree with Ye et al. (1996, p. 1425)
that the plate boundary activity in northeastern Mexico is not known from
the geologic record. Ye et al. gave no evidence for truncation or "other
events" of late Paleozoic age (1996, p. 1417), nor did they elaborate on
what the "other events" might be. Ye et al.s (1996, p. 1399) Figure 1A
suggests that restoration of the Mojave-Sonora megashear (Anderson and
Schmidt, 1983) would place the western plate margin of northern Mexico
in the late Paleozoic even farther away from the site of the Greater Ancestral
Rocky Mountains; therefore, the depiction of the areal distribution of
the late Paleozoic features in Ye et al.s figure 10 is difficult to evaluate.
The Late Paleozoic arc-related rocks in northeastern Mexico do not "indicate"
(Ye et al., 1996, p. 1425) the presence of an east-dipping subduction zone
along the southwestern margin of North America. Handschy et al. (1987)
interpreted the arc-related volcanic rocks as a suspect terrane, accreted
to North America from the east. The data are presently insufficient to
choose from an array of possible alternatives.
If a shallowly dipping subduction zone had existed in the late Paleozoic
beneath western North America, at least some evidence of it would be expected
to remain within the Ancestral Rocky Mountain basins. For example, Late
Cretaceous and early Tertiary igneous activity is well known in the Rocky
Mountain region and the pattern of igneous ages and chemistry is important
evidence for a shallowly dipping subduction zone to have existed below
the Laramide Rocky Mountains (Coney and Reynolds, 1977; Dickinson and Snyder,
In contrast, there is no evidence in the Ancestral Rocky Mountain late
Paleozoic geologic record for volcanism or intrusive activity (see Curtis,
1958, De Voto, 1980). That is, there is no evidence of Pennsylvanian igneous
rocks within the synorogenic rocks of the Ancestral Rocky Mountains that
would suggest that a low-dipping subduction zone was active somewhere on
the western margin of Mexico; furthermore, it is unclear how an easterly
dipping subduction zone could be located in "northeastern Mexico" (Ye et
al., 1996, p. 1424, see their figure 1B), or that the subduction zone included
a low east-dipping subducted slab beneath western North America during
the late Paleozoic.
In summary, there is no evidence in the synorogenic rocks deposited
in the Ancestral Rocky Mountain basins that a low-dipping subduction zone
existed off of the western margin of Mexico in the late Paleozoic. One
of the main features of the hypothesis of Ye et al. (1996) thus must be
regarded as completely unsupported by the rock record.
Ye et al. (1996) suggested that the recognition of the thrusts that
occur along the margins of some of the Ancestral Rocky Mountain uplifts
offer a new opportunity for the exploration for hydrocarbons. Exploration
wells, some cited by Ye et al. (1996), have drilled through the basement
overhangs along the late Paleozoic mountain fronts. Drilling through overhangs
at the margins of basement-cored uplifts is expensive and includes high
risk; therefore, a venture such as this requires at least some data and
a well thought-out interpretation. One may then assume that the overhangs
were recognized some time before the wells were drilled and that the geometry
of the mountain fronts has been recognized within the hydrocarbon industry
for some time. My experience has been that the risk of exploring for hydrocarbons
in the late Paleozoic mountain fronts has not been in the recognition that
some of them had thrust geometry. The biggest structural challenge in exploring
beneath basement overhangs of any age is that the geometry cannot usually
be imaged well on seismic data; therefore, trap risk cannot be accurately
I am unfamiliar with anyone else with the last name of "Kluth" being
involved in interpreting the Ancestral Rocky Mountains. I, therefore, suspect
that the references by Ye et al. (1996, p. 1419) to personal communications
by "P. Kluth" were, in
End page 2274----------------
fact, probably to me. Suggestions by my colleagues that I am P. Kluths
evil twin, as far as I know, are unfounded.
In summary, the lack of any data in the extensive rock record for even
the presence of a subduction zone, much less of its dip, makes it impossible
to evaluate the main hypothesis of Ye et al. (1996) that a low-dipping
subduction zone in southwestern Mexico was related in some way to the Greater
Ancestral Rocky Mountains. The evidence for the close timing of events
in the Greater Ancestral Rocky Mountains and the Ouachita-Marathon orogeny
(previously cited) (see Kluth, 1986) suggests a close link between these
two events. The high angle between the trend of most of the Greater Ancestral
Rocky Mountains is problematic. Kluth (1986) interpreted the uplifts and
basins as representing a zone of distributed crustal shear, with a northward
component of movement of the southern blocks during the collision between
North America and South America. This working hypothesis must be preferred
to one in which there is evidence that local regions, some of which were
cited by Ye et al. (1996), are more complex than they have been interpreted
to be and in which there is no evidence in the rock record for several
of the key features. This lack of evidence makes it impossible to assess
the value of the comparisons of Ye et al. (1996, p. 1423) between the late
Paleozoic deformation of southern and western North America and other orogenes.
I commend Ye et al. (1996) for their thought-provoking interpretation
of the late Paleozoic deformation of western and southern North America.
I agree with them on several points of their interpretation, such as the
inclusion of features from Oklahoma and Nebraska to northern Mexico as
part of a "unified system of deformation" (Ye et al., 1996, p. 1418) of
the "Greater Ancestral Rocky Mountains." I comment here on some other aspects
of their interpretation.
Baars, D. L., and G. M. Stevenson, 1984, The San Luis uplift, an enigma
of the Ancestral Rockies: The Mountain Geologist, v. 21, p. 57-67.
Baars, D. L., et al., 1988, basins of the Rocky Mountain region, in
L. L. Sloss, ed. Sedimentary coverNorth American craton: The geology of
North America: Geological Society of America Decade of North America, v.
D-2, p. 109-220.
Brewer, J. A., R. Good, J. E. Oliver, L. D. Brown, and S. Kaufman, 1983,
COCORP profiling across the southern Oklahoma aulacogen: overthrusting
of the Wichita Mountains and compression within the Anadarko basin: Geology,
v. 11, p. 109-114.
Coney, P. J., and S. J. Reynolds, 1977, Cordilleran Benioff zones: Nature,
v. 270, p. 403-406.
Curtis, B. F., 1958, Pennsylvanian paleotectonics of Colorado and adjacent
areas, in B. F. Curtis, ed., Symposium of Pennsylvanian rocks of Colorado
and adjacent areas: Denver, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p.
De Voto, R. H., 1980, Pennsylvanian stratigraphy and history of Colorado,
in H. C. Kent and K. W. Porter, eds., Colorado geology: Rocky Mountain
Association of Geologists Symposium Volume, p. 71-101.
De Voto, R. H., F. H. Peel, and W. H. Pierce, 1971, Pennsylvanian and
Permian stratigraphy, tectonism, and history, northern Sangre de Cristo
Range, Colorado, in H. L. James, ed., Guidebook of the San Luis basin,
Colorado: New Mexico Geological Society 22nd Field Conference Guidebook
p. 141-163.
De Voto, R. H., B. L. Bartleson, C. J. Schenk, and N. B. Waechter, 1986,
Late Paleozoic stratigraphy and syndepositional tectonism, northwestern
Colorado, in D. S. Stone, ed., New interpretations of northwest Colorado
geology: Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Symposium Volume, p.
Dickinson, W. R., and W. S. Snyder, 1978, Plate tectonics of the Laramide
orogeny: Geological Society of America Memoir 151, p. 355-366.
Ellis, C. H., 1966, Paleontologic age of the Fountain Formation south
of Denver, Colorado: The Mountain Geologist, v. 3, p. 155-160.
Frahme, C. W., and E. B. Vaughn, 1983, Paleozoic geology and seismic
stratigraphy of the northern Uncompahgre front, Grande County, Utah, in
J. D. Lowell, ed., Rocky Mountain foreland basins and uplifts: Rocky Mountain
Association of Geologists Symposium Volume, p. 201-211.
Graham, S. A., W. R. Dickinson, and R. V. Ingersoll, 1975, Himalayan-Bengal
model for flysch dispersal in the Appalachian-Ouachita system: Geological
Society of America Bulletin, v. 86, p. 273-286.
Handschy, J. W., G. R. Keller, and K. J. Smith, 1987, Ouachita system
in northern Mexico: Tectonics, v. 6, p. 323-330.
Jordan T. E., and R. C. Douglass, 1980, Paleogeography and structural
development of the Late Pennsylvanian to Early Permian Oquirrh basin, northwestern
Utah, in T. D. Fouch and E. R. Megathan, eds., Paleozoic paleogeography
of west-central United States: Rocky Mountain Section SEPM Symposium 1,
p. 217-238.
Kluth, C. F., 1986, Plate tectonics of the Ancestral Rocky Mountains,
in J. A. Peterson, ed., Paleotectonics and sedimentation in the Rocky Mountain
region, United States: AAPG Memoir 41, p. 353-369.
Kluth, C. F., 1997, Comparison of the location and structure of the
late Paleozoic and Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary Front Range uplift, in
D. W. Bolyard and S. A. Sonnenberg, eds., Geologic history of the Colorado
Front Range: Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Guidebook 7, p. 31-42.
Kluth, C. F., and P. J. Coney, 1981, Plate tectonics of the Ancestral
Rocky Mountains: Geology, v. 9, p. 10-15.
Mack, G. H., L. J. Suttner, and J. R. Jennings, 1979, Permo-Pennsylvanian
climatic trends in the Ancestral Rocky Mountains, in D. L. Baars, ed.,
Permianland: Four Corners Geological Society Guidebook, p. 7-12.
McConnell, C. A., 1989, Determination of offset across the northern
margin of the Wichita uplift, southwest Oklahoma: Geological Society of
America Bulletin, v. 101, p. 1317-1332.
McKee, E. D., and E. J. Crosby, coordinators, 1975, Paleotectonic investigations
of the Pennsylvania System in the United States: U.S. Geologic Survey Professional
Paper 853, pt. 1, 349 p.
Tweto, O., 1979, Geologic map of Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey, scale
Tweto, O., 1980, Tectonic history of Colorado, in H. C. Kent and K.
W. Porter, eds., Colorado geology: Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists,
Symposium Volume, p. 5-9.
Tweto, O., and T. S. Lovering, 1977, Geology of the Minturn 15-minute
quadrangle, Eagle and Summit counties, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey
Professional Paper 956, 96 p.
Wachter, N. B., and W. E. Johnson, 1986, Pennsylvanian-Permian paleostructure
and stratigraphy as interpreted from seismic data in the Piceance basin,
northwest Colorado, in D. S. Stone, ed., New interpretations of northwest
Colorado geology: Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Symposium Volume,
p. 51-64.
Weimer, R. J., 1996, Guide to the petroleum geology and Laramide
End page 2275----------------
orogeny, Denver basin and Front Range, Colorado: Colorado Geological
Survey Bulletin 51, p. 97-102.
White, M. A., and M. I. Jacobson, 1983, Structures associated with the
southwest margin of the ancestral Uncompahgre uplift, in W. R. Avert, ed.,
Northern Paradox basin-Uncompahgre uplift: Grand Junction Geological Society
Guidebook, p. 33-39.
Yang, K. M., and S. L. Dorobek, 1995a, The Permian basin of west Texas
and New Mexico: tectonic history of a "composite" foreland basin and its
effects of stratigraphic development, in S. L. Dorobek and G. M. Ross,
eds., Stratigraphic evolution of foreland basins, SEPM Special Publication
no. 52, p. 149-174.
Yang, K. M., and S. L. Dorobek, 1995b, The Permian basin of west Texas
and New Mexico: flexural modeling and evidence for lithospheric heterogeneity
across the Marathon foreland, in S. L. Dorobek and G. M. Ross, eds., Stratigraphic
evolution of foreland basins, SEPM Special Publication no. 52, p. 38-50.
Ye, H., L. Royden, C. Burchfiel, and M. Schuepbach, 1996, Late Paleozoic
deformation of interior North America: The Greater Ancestral Rocky Mountains:
AAPG Bulletin, v. 80, no. 9, p. 1397-1432.
Anderson, T. H., and V. A. Schmidt, 1983, The evolution of middle America
and the Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Sea region during Mesozoic: Geological
Society of America Bulletin, v. 94, p. 941-966.
End page 2276----------------
AAPG Bulletin, V.
Late Paleozoic Deformation of Interior North America: The Greater Ancestral Rocky Mountains: Reply1
1Manuscript received March 19, 1998; final acceptance May
27, 1998.
To our knowledge, our paper (Ye et al., 1996) was the first published
work to attempt correlation of stratigraphic and structural features across
the entire system of late Paleozoic deformation of southern and western
North America. Although we agree with Kluth that the timing of peak tectonic
activity within the Ancestral Rocky Mountains was spatially variable, we
felt it beyond the resolution of the available data to emphasize shifts
in the locus of maximum deformation through time. Dating of peak tectonic
activity is considerably more difficult than dating onset and cessation
of deformation, and data because peak tectonic activity in some parts of
the system are uncertain or simply not available. To the extent that it
was possible for us to discern periods of peak tectonism throughout the
Greater Ancestral Rocky Mountains, there appears to have been a modest
reorganization of deformation during the Desmoinesian, with some regions
undergoing peak activity in the Morrowan-Desmoinesian (e.g., the Anadarko
region), some areas undergoing peak activity in the Desmoinesian-Wolfcampian
(e.g., the Pedregosa basin), and some regions undergoing large magnitude
deformation throughout the Pennsylvanian (e.g. the Delaware basin).
We agree with Kluth (1998) that most of the sediment-starved basin regions
occur in the southern part of the Greater Ancestral Rocky Mountain system
and did not mean to imply otherwise (see Ye et al., 1996, figure 2, for
example); however, the importance of noting that some of the basins in
this system are starved is highlighted by Kluths comment about the Wolfcampian
section in the Delaware basin. Because the deeper portions of the Delaware
basin were starved until the Wolfcampian, we believe that one can place
only broad limits on the period of peak tectonism in this region. For example,
the 4-km-thick Wolfcampian section in the Delaware basin is mainly posttectonic
and probably represents the passive filling of an approximately 1-km-deep
sea created by earlier tectonism. In addition, the proximal sedimentary
sequences that would be most likely to contain synorogenic facies
End page 2277----------------
along the eastern part of the basin are missing (perhaps overthrust?),
again making it difficult to constrain the precise timing of deformation.
Because there is strong evidence for Desmoinesian deformation and denudation
within the Central Basin platform, considerable deformation likely also
occurred prior to the Wolfcampian along the eastern margin of the Delaware
basin. In any case, the point is that the detailed timing of peak deformation
in the Delaware basin is highly uncertain, thereby illustrating some of
the difficulties in correlating peak tectonic events across a large region.
In an effort to keep this reply brief, we will simply say that we believe
it unlikely that uplift of the Sierra del Nido region did not occur until
the Wolfcampian because subsidence in the adjacent Pedregosa basin occurred
throughout most of the Pennsylvanian; however, the necessity of inferring
the timing of uplift from subsidence of the adjacent basin again illustrates
the difficulties and large uncertainties in trying to bracket too tightly
the ages of peak tectonism.
The structural expression of convergence within continental crust is
generally complex; many orogenes that accommodate dominantly orogene-normal
convergence contain high-angle reverse faults, normal faults, and strike-slip
faults, in addition to thrust faults. In our opinion, the presence of high-angle
and normal faults within the Ancestral Rocky Mountains is compatible with
the largest scale structures (basins and adjacent uplifts) being the result
of crustal scale shortening and overthrusting along basement involved faults.
What is most significant is that in several geographically distant places
within the system the presence of large-scale overthrusting is clear. Even
a cursory look at the Laramide Rocky Mountains, which we argued (Ye et
al., 1996) are tectonically analogous to the Ancestral Rocky Mountains,
shows that steep, normal, and strike-slip faults are present along with
the basement-involved overthrusts that define the basins and adjacent uplifts
(see, for example, Oldow et al., 1989, and references contained therein).
Note that until the acquisition of good subsurface data to constrain the
geometry of Laramide structures at depth, arguments about the deformation
of the Laramide Rocky Mountains were similar to the current arguments of
Kluth (1998) (and many others) against the widespread occurrence of basement-involved
overthrusting in the Ancestral Rocky Mountains. Identification of Paleozoic
structures also is more difficult than identification of Laramide structures
because of extensive reworking of Paleozoic features by Cretaceous and
Tertiary deformation and because of the subsequent burial of Paleozoic
features in many parts of the system.
Truncation of our remarks as quoted by Kluth (1998) lends a somewhat
different flavor than we had intended when we wrote (Ye et al., 1996, p.
1419.) "As yet, we have little or no direct evidence for basement-involved
overthrusting in the other basin systems, but the orientation, geometry,
timing, and observable style of deformation are so similar throughout the
entire region . . . that it seems highly likely that all of these basins
have a common origin related to thrusting of the basement over the margins
of the basin." Perhaps the fact that Kluth believes this statement to be
unjustified is related to our different approaches to analyzing regional
systems in which we emphasize the importance of regional patterns of deformation
and comparison to tectonically analogous systems over the local complexities
of individual fault systems in areas of poor exposure.
First, we agree completely that subsidence data are commonly, if not
usually, nonunique with respect to subsidence mechanism. The main point
of our flexural analysis based on subsidence of the Midland and Fort Worth
basins was to show that the two-dimensional geometry of this complexly
subsided region is compatible with subsidence related to flexural loading
from two sides. Second, Kluth (1998) is correct in stating that only the
southern one-half of the Greater Ancestral Rocky Mountains subsided significantly
immediately after the cessation of tectonism. We emphasized this regional
subsidence only because we were attempting to outline some of the ways
in which the Paleozoic deformation appears to have been different from
the Laramide deformation of the Rocky Mountains; we should have been explicit
as to which part of the system we were referring.
Abundant evidence is in the literature for the truncation of the Paleozoic
continental margin of the southwestern United States in Permian-Early Triassic
(e.g., Burchfiel and Davis, 1981; Walker, 1988). The lack of citations
to this effect was an oversight on our part. We are puzzled by Kluths
(1998) comment that truncation would place the western plate margin of
northern Mexico even farther away from the site of the Greater Ancestral
Rocky Mountains because all of the data used in our paper come from sites
inboard of the truncation
End page 2278----------------
zone. Because margin truncation is likely to have involved large left-lateral
strike-slip displacements along a zone trending northwest-southeast, the
truncated portions of the arc may be present today in Central America,
although we believed that this was too speculative to include in our paper
(Ye et al., 1996).
The Paleozoic rock record from north-central Mexico is poorly known,
but clearly volcanic rocks and volcanoclastic sediments are present over
much of this region, volcanism was active in the Desmoinesian (or possibly
pre-Desmoinesian), and in the Permian and Desmoinesian volcanic rocks were
present immediately west of and were shed into the Chihuahua basin. The
composition of these volcanic rocks and inclusions within volcanoclastic
debris flows indicate that they were erupted as arc volcanic rocks developed
on continental crust or on an older highly evolved arc. We believe that
our statements (Ye et al., 1996) accurately reflected the uncertainty in
interpretation of these rocks, as in, for example (Ye et al., 1996, p.
1424),"this . . . volcanic arc testifies to the presence of a nearby subduction
boundary of late Paleozoic age. In our interpretation, this arc probably
is an Andean-type volcanic arc erupted through the continental crust and
implies northeast-dipping subduction of oceanic lithosphere along a subduction
boundary southwest of . . . the Chihuahua basin" and "because the subduction
boundary itself is not known from the geologic record, [its tectonic style]
is essentially unknown and must be inferred from its volcanic arc and from
coeval deformation in its hinterland" (Ye et al., 1996, p. 1425). True,
we cannot prove, and do not claim to prove, that there was late Paleozoic
subduction beneath northeastern and north-central Mexico; nevertheless,
we propose that this is a reasonable interpretation of the data and that
it is especially intriguing in light of the coeval deformation occurring
in interior North America. In this regard, our emphasis on the importance
of regional-scale patterns of coeval deformation and on comparison to young
tectonic analogs leads us to assign a greater regional importance to these
arc rocks than does Kluth (1998).
Kluth (1998) greatly overstates the case that we make for flat-slab
subduction beneath western North America in the late Paleozoic. Nowhere
in the abstract do we refer to flat-slab subduction, and in the body of
the text (Ye et al., 1996, p. 1426) the discussion of flat-slab subduction
is mainly confined to one paragraph, prefaced by the remark that "because
late Paleozoic events along the southwestern margin of North America are
so poorly known, detailed speculations about the exact relationship between
events along this plate boundary and events within the Greater Ancestral
Rocky Mountains are probably not warranted" and then go on to note that
the two best known examples of intraplate shortening in front of a subduction
zone involve regions of flat-slab subduction. There may be problems with
applying a flat-slab model to Paleozoic subduction beneath southwestern
North America, but the absence of volcanism within interior North America
is not necessarily one of them (for example, arc volcanism is absent in
the Sierra Pampeanas in Argentina).
In summary, we have not attempted to prove that the late Paleozoic deformation
of interior North America is caused by Andean-style subduction in northeastern
Mexico. Rather, we attempted to marshal the available structural and stratigraphic
data for most of late Paleozoic southern and western North America, to
examine the spatial relationship of coeval events, and to propose what
we believe is a sensible, novel, and (we hope) thought-provoking interpretation
of these data. In any event, we expect that our basic hypothesis will be
examined and tested as more constraints on the nature and timing of late
Paleozoic events become available.
2University of Texas at Dallas, P.O. Box 688, Richardson,
Texas 75083-0688.
3Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
4Danube International Petroleum Company, 2651 North Harwood
Street, Dallas, Texas 75201.
We are largely in agreement with Charles Kluth on the observational
data that constrain the late Paleozoic deformation of western and southern
North America. Perhaps the major differences in our interpretation reflect
different approaches to analysis of regional tectonic systems. Coming from
a background that includes extensive analysis of a wide variety of tectonic
systems (including many that are active or recently active), we have abstracted
a few basic principles that seem to be generally useful in analyzing regional
tectonic systems and that helped to guide our interpretation of the late
Paleozoic deformation of North America (Ye et al., 1996). (1) Events must
be evaluated over a geographic region that is sufficiently large so that
one is sure one is looking at the entire system of deformation, not at
an isolated piece. (2) In so far as possible, it is important to identify
the detailed timing of events across the entire tectonic system and to
compare only events that are contemporaneous. (3) In many instances, the
regional pattern of events is most diagnostic of the larger scale kinematics
and dynamics of tectonic systems rather than local complexities along individual
fault zones or the details of localized stratigraphic features in poorly
exposed regions; tectonic systems always contain a lot of "noise." (4)
Most tectonic systems have obvious tectonic analogs within the geologic
record; comparison with similar looking systems, particularly young ones,
can reveal much insight into the evolution of older systems. From this
perspective, we address the specific points contained in the discussion
by Kluth (1998). (With a few exceptions we have omitted references from
this reply because appropriate references are already given in the relevant
sections of our original paper.)
Kluth, C. F., 1998, Late Paleozoic deformation of interior North America:
the Greater Ancestral Rocky Mountains: discussion: AAPG Bulletin, v. 82,
p. 2278-2282.
Oldow, J. S., A. W. Bally, H. G. Avé Lallemant, and W. P. Leeman,
1989, Phanerozoic evolution of the North American cordillera: United States
and Canada, in A. W. Bally and A. R. Palmer, eds., The geology of North
Americaan overview: Geological Society of America, v. A, p.139-232.
Walker, J. D., 1988, Permian and Triassic rocks of the Mojave desert
and their implication for timing and mechanisms of continental truncation:
Tectonics, v. 7, p. 685-709.
Ye, H., L. Royden, C. Burchfiel, and M. Schuepbach, 1996, Late Paleozoic
deformation of interior North America: the Greater Ancestral Rocky Mountains:
AAPG Bulletin, v. 80, no. 9, p. 1397-1432.
Burchfiel, B. C., and G. A. Davis, 1981, Triassic and Jurassic evolution
of the Klamath Mountains-Sierra Nevada geologic terrane, in W. G. Ernst,
ed., The geotectonic development of California, Rubey v. 1: Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, p. 50-70.
End page 2279----------------
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