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AAPG Bulletin



AAPG Bulletin, V. 83 (1999), No. 3 (March 1999), P. 393-409.

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South Eubank Field, Haskell County, Kansas: A Case of Field Redevelopment Using Subsurface Mapping and Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Seismic Data 

Scott L. Montgomery1 and Ernest Morrison2

©Copyright 1999.  The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.  All Rights Reserved

1Petroleum Consultant, 1511 18th Ave. East, Seattle, Washington 98112; e-mail: [email protected]
2Petroleum Consultant, 306 N. Brookwood, Derby, Kansas 67037; e-mail: [email protected]

Gratitude is here expressed to Mark Grommesh for seismic interpretation and to Jim Gowens for geologic work. Hugoton Energy and Chesapeake Resources made available for publication data included in this report. Grateful acknowledgment is also offered to Tim Carr of the Kansas Geological Survey who suggested the topic and reviewed the figures. 


A portion of recent field development efforts in the Hugoton embayment of western Kansas has focused on deeper, less drilled, Mississippian sandstone reservoirs of the Chesterian Series. Such efforts have yielded particular successes in the case of South Eubank field, Haskell County, Kansas. New core data, combined with subsurface mapping and three-dimensional (Previous Hit3-DNext Hit) seismic information, have led to over 30 new producers being drilled in this field. Reservoirs are best developed in fine-grained, well-sorted, Chesterian sandstones filling a narrow incised paleovalley system that runs north-south through the field. Although new core information contributed to improved reservoir characterization in the area, Previous Hit3-DTop seismic data were required to accurately delineate the paleovalley system and thus locate specific prospects. A number of such prospects remain to be drilled. Success at South Eubank suggests that other portions of the same valley system also might be similarly developed. This system extends at least 50 mi (80 km) from northern Haskell County to the Oklahoma border, through a number of existing field areas. 

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