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AAPG Bulletin, V. 83, No. 12 (December 1999), P. 1927-1942.
Geochemistry of Crude Oils from Eastern Indonesia1
Ken E. Peters,2 Tom H. Fraser,3 Welly
Amris,4 Budi Rustanto,5 and Eddy Hermanto5
©Copyright 1999. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights
1Manuscript received June 16, 1998; revised manuscript received March 25, 1999;
final acceptance May 30, 1999. 2Mobil Technology Company, Box 650232, Dallas,
Texas 75265-0232; e-mail: [email protected]
3Resource System Diagnostics, Box 4382, Jakarta 12043, Indonesia; e-mail: [email protected]
4Mobil Oil Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia; e-mail: yJAKLNM1.JAK.MOBIL.COM
5Pertamina, Jakarta Indonesia.
We gratefully acknowledge Budiono and Mobil Oil Indonesia for permission to release this
paper and thank Ron Noble, Wally Dow, Roy Enrico, Jim Stinnett, and Asep Sulaeman for peer
reviews of the draft. John Zumberge, Brad Huizinga, and Lyle Henage provided useful
discussions of samples and regional geochemistry. Cliff Walters, Mike Flagg, Connie
Hellyer, Brock Toon, and Ruth Barrow completed analyses of the samples at the Mobil
Technology Company geochemical laboratory. Mike Moldowan (Biomarker Technology, Inc.)
assisted with mass spectrometry of the steranes. ABSTRACT
High-resolution geochemistry shows genetic relationships among 27 crude oils from
eastern Indonesia and suggests the ages and paleoenvironments of their source rocks. Oils
inferred to originate from Tertiary and Triassic-Jurassic source rocks in the study occur
north and south of 2¡S latitude, respectively. Twenty oils mainly from Irian Jaya and
Sulawesi originated from Tertiary marine marlstone source rocks that contained type II/III
kerogen deposited under suboxic conditions, probably the upper Miocene Klasafet Formation.
These low-sulfur oils show high oleanane, C26 24-nordia cholestane, and
pristane/phytane ratios, and 13C-rich carbon isotope compositions. High
oleanane and 24-nordiacholestane ratios are diagnostic of Tertiary oils and source rocks.
These oils account for about 16% of the estimated ultimate recoverable reserves in eastern
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