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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
January 12-15, 2000
San Diego, California
DOLSON, JOHN C., BP-Amoco Egypt, Cairo, Egypt; MARK V. SHANN, BP-Amoco London, UK; DR. HASSEIN HAMMOUDA, Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company, Cairo, Egypt; RASHED RASHED, Gulf of Suez Petroleum Co., Cairo, Egypt; and DR. SAYED MATBOULY, Egyptian General Petroleum Company, Cairo, Egypt
Major reserve replacement will come from petroleum play expansion into the Mediterranean offshore Tertiary gas trends. Additional reserve growth will result from further successes using 3D seismic, deeper pool exploration in and around proven fields, and new stratigraphic play development off-structure. Examples from the Western Desert, the Gulf of Suez and the Mediterranean will demonstrate this growth potential.
More remote new exploration areas include the Komobo and other basins in Upper Egypt and the northern end of the Red Sea rift, both of which are currently under re-evaluation by a number of international oil companies.
The geological framework of Egypt is ideal for oil and gas exploration. It consists of eight major tectono-stratigraphic events: 1) Paleozoic craton 2) Jurassic rifting, 3) Cretaceous passive margin, 4) Syrian arc deformation and transgression 5) Gulf of Suez rifting 6) Red Sea breakup 7) the Messinian crisis and 8) Plio-Pleistocene delta progradation. Each of these events has created multiple reservoir and seal combinations. Source rocks occur from Paleozoic through Pliocene strata and proven reservoirs are producing from Pre-Cambrian through Pleistocene age strata.