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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
January 12-15, 2000
San Diego, California
The single most important overall area for potential discovery has and will continue to be the deepwater, which has been made economic by both new technology and geology.
During the 1990s leading discovery areas for oil have been Africa/Middle East, Latin America, and the Gulf of Mexico, and the Far East for gas. Leading countries for oil discovery include Angola, the Gulf of Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and Algeria; for gas, the Gulf of Mexico, Norway, the Northwest shelf of Australia, and West Iran.
Those countries of significant pre-1990 oil discoveries recognized in the 1990s include the Caspian, Iraq, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Canada, and other Middle East countries, especially Saudi Arabia.
Utilizing these sources, and with the continued 1990s pace of new discoveries, oil supplies are projected to be adequate to meet demand at least into 2015; however, gas will continue to enjoy accelerating growth in demand, leading companies to pursue giant new reserves.