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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


January 12-15, 2000
San Diego, California

MICHEL T. HALBOUTY, Michel T. Halbouty Energy Co., Houston, TX

Abstract: Exploration into the New Millennium

There has been a scourge of prognosticators who contend the world is running out of oil and sunset is upon the petroleum industry. The author refutes the negativism that prevails amongst the purveyors of doom and indicates that exploration for hydrocarbons will continue well into the 21st Century and possibly beyond. There are many parts of the world that have not yet been explored by seismic or any other device and it is in those areas where new reserves of oil and gas will be found. The author stresses that as long as there is a potential for oil and gas any place in the world, the hunt will go on and on to discover and produce. The post-petroleum era will begin when the cost of finding oil and gas is absolutely prohibitive.

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