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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
January 12-15, 2000
San Diego, California
LONGLEY, IAN M., Woodside Offshore Petroleum Pty. Ltd, Perth, WA; MARITA T. BRADSHAW, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra, ACT; and JOHN HEBBERGER, West Australian Petroleum Pty Ltd., Perth, WA
The Cooper/Eromanga and Gippsland Basins are mature exploration provinces with modest future exploration potential, but the massive discovered and undeveloped reserves within the major gas fields along the NW Shelf will be developed (principally for LNG export) and fuel adjacent exploration activity well into the 21st Century. The NW Shelf still has significant potential for further major discoveries as demonstrated by its undrilled identified prospectivity.
Other basins which offer the potential to develop into significant petroleum provinces in the 21st Century include the basins of the Great Australian Bight and the Lord Howe Rise which have been largely overlooked during the 20th Century due to the then perceived excessive water depths and relatively isolated locations. These areas offer some of the best potential for undiscovered oil provinces and are the focus of current and future gazettal round opportunities.