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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
January 12-15, 2000
San Diego, California
MELLO, M. R., Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; R. MOFFMAN, Consultant, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and S. R. P. SILVA, R. R. MACIEL, and F. P. MIRANDA, Petrobras, Brazil
In a petroleum system context, the integration of geochemical and geological data of oil, gas and source rock samples from Foz do Amazonas, Brazil and Ivory Coast and Niger Delta, West Africa, has allowed the correlation and characterization of similar multiple oil and gas types.
This study, based in a integrated multidisciplinary approach and using technologies ranging from remote sensing to molecular geochemistry, suggests the Foz do Amazonas area, after Campos basin, is the most important oil/ gas-prone province in the Brazilian marginal basins. Throughout the tectonic-stratigraphic framework, regional facies variations of Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary source rocks are consistent with a marine carbonate and marine deltaic model for source rock deposition. The origin of the hydrocarbons is related to Upper Cretaceous anoxic global events, and a huge fluvial marine deltaic complex that formed during the Oligocene/Miocene.