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AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin, V. 84, No. 1 (January 2000), P. 75-99.

Along-Axis Segmentation and Growth History of the Rome Trough in the Central Appalachian Basin1

Dengliang Gao,2 Robert C. Shumaker,3 and Thomas H. Wilson3

©Copyright 2000. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
1Manuscript received March 9, 1998; revised manuscript received April 13, 1999; final acceptance June 28, 1999.
2Marathon Oil Company, P.O. Box 3128, Computer-Aided Interpretation, Houston, Texas 77056; e-mail: [email protected]
3Department of Geology and Geography, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506.
This study was supported by the National Research Center for Coal and Energy (NRCCE). We thank Columbia Natural Resources (CNR) Inc. for allowing the publication of the seismic lines. Acknowledgment is made to the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey for well data and the sonic and density logs for subsurface mapping and synthetic seismic modeling. We also benefited from the application of the computer software packages of the MCS (Mapping-Contouring System), SURFACE III, DEAM (Data Editing and Management), DIG (Digitization), and the programs for synthetic seismic analysis. This paper benefited from suggestions by Jeffrey A. Karson (Duke University) and journal reviews by William A. Thomas, an anonymous reviewer, and the elected editor Neil F. Hurley. Thanks also go to Sharon L. Crawford, Thomas R. Evans, and Charles A. Meeder (Marathon Oil Company) for their support.


The Rome trough, a northeast-trending graben, is that part of the Cambrian interior rift system that extends into the central Appalachian foreland basin in eastern North America. On the basis of changes in graben polarity and rock thickness shown from exploration and production wells, seismic lines, and gravity and magnetic intensity maps, we divide the trough into the eastern Kentucky, southern West Virginia, and northern West Virginia segments. In eastern Kentucky, the master synthetic Previous HitfaultNext Hit zone consists of several major faults on the northwestern side of the trough where the most significant thickness and facies changes occur. In southern West Virginia, however, a single master synthetic Previous HitfaultNext Hit, called the East-Margin Previous HitfaultNext Hit, is located on the southeastern side of the trough. Syndepositional motion along that Previous HitfaultNext Hit controlled the concentrated deposition of both the rift and postrift sequences. The East-Margin Previous HitfaultNext Hit continues northward into the northern West Virginia segment, apparently with less stratigraphic effect on postrift sequences, and a second major normal Previous HitfaultNext Hit, the Interior Previous HitfaultTop, developed in the northern West Virginia segment. These three rift segments are separated by two basement structures interpreted as two accommodation zones extending approximately along the 38th parallel and Burning-Mann lineaments.

Computer-aided interpretation of seismic data and subsurface geologic mapping indicate that the Rome trough experienced several major phases of deformation throughout the Paleozoic. From the Early(?)-Middle Cambrian (pre-Copper Ridge deposition), rapid extension and rifting occurred in association with the opening of the Iapetus-Theic Ocean at the continental margin. The Late Cambrian-Middle Ordovician phase (Copper Ridge to Black River deposition) was dominated by slow differential subsidence, forming a successor sag basin that may have been caused by postrift thermal contraction on the passive continental margin. Faults of the Rome trough were less active from the Late Ordovician-Pennsylvanian (post-Trenton deposition), but low-relief inversion structures began to form as the Appalachian foreland started to develop. These three major phases of deformation are speculated to be responsible for the vertical stacking of different structural styles and depositional sequences that may have affected potential reservoir facies, trapping geometry, and hydrocarbon accumulation.

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