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AAPG Bulletin, V. 84, No. 4 (April 2000), P. 545-565.
A Reaction-Transport-Mechanical Approach to Modeling the
Interrelationships Among Gas Generation, Overpressuring, and Fracturing: Implications for
the Upper Cretaceous Natural Gas Reservoirs of the Piceance Basin, Colorado1Dorothy F. Payne,2 Kagan Tuncay,3 Anthony
Park,3 John B. Comer,4 and Peter Ortoleva3©Copyright 2000. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights
1Manuscript received November 9, 1998; revised manuscript received July 12,
1999; final acceptance October 15, 1999.
2Laboratory for Computational Geodynamics, Department of Chemistry, Indiana
University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405. Present address: USGS Water Resources Division,
Peachtree Business Center, 3039 Amwiler Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30360-2824.
3Laboratory for Computational Geodynamics, Department of Chemistry, Indiana
University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405.
4Indiana Geological Survey, 611 North Walnut Grove, Bloomington, Indiana
This study forms part of the dissertation research for D. F. Payne, for which valuable
funding assistance was provided by Phillips Petroleum in the form of a Graduate Research
Fellowship. Additional funding was provided by Advanced Resources International, Chevron
U.S.A., U.S. Department of Energy Basic Energy Research Program, and Gas Research
Institute. Thanks are also extended to Barrett Resources International for supplying data
and information, and to Tom Hoak of Kestrel Geosciences for the benefit of his knowledge
about Piceance basin research activities. ABSTRACT
Predicting reservoir characteristics in tight-gas sandstone reservoirs, such as those
of the Upper Cretaceous units of the Piceance basin, is difficult due to the interactions
of multiple processes acting on sediments during basin development. To better understand
the dynamics of these systems, a forward numerical model, which accounts for compaction,
fracturing, hydrocarbon generation, and multiphase flow (BasinRTM) is used in a
one-dimensional simulation of the U.S. Department of Energy's Multiwell Experiment (MWX)
site in the Piceance basin. Of particular interest is the effect of gas generation on the
dynamics of the system.
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