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AAPG Bulletin


(Begin page 1609)

AAPG Bulletin, V. 85, No. 9 (September 2001), P. 1609-1622.

Copyright ©2001. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Size distribution and dynamics of oil and gas field discoveries in petroleum basins

Alexey E. Kontorovich,1 Viktor I. Dyomin,2 Valery R. Livshits3

1Institute of Petroleum Geology, SB RAS, Koptyug Prospect 3, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia; email: [email protected]
2Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Previous HitGeophysicsNext Hit and Mineral Resources, Krasnyi pr, 67, Novosibirsk, 630091, Russia
3Institute of Petroleum Geology, SB RAS, Koptyug Prospect 3, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia; email: [email protected]


Alexey E. Kontorovich received a Ph.D. in geology and mineralogy in 1969. He has been a professor at the Novosibirsk State University since 1971 and full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) since 1991. He is currently the director of the Institute of Petroleum Geology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS. The main scope of his scientific interests concerns the theoretical and regional problems of petroleum geology and geochemistry and methods of oil and gas field Previous HitexplorationNext Hit. In regional aspect, his investigations are related to the West Siberian plate and the Siberian platform.

Viktor I. Dyomin received a Ph.D. in geology and mineralogy in 1990. He has been a professor at the Novosibirsk State University since 1990. He is a senior researcher for the Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Previous HitGeophysicsNext Hit and Mineral Resources. The scope of his interests is methodology and computer technologies for predicting petroleum potential.

Valery R. Livshits holds a Ph.D. in geology and mineralogy. He is currently a senior researcher for the Institute of Petroleum Geology of the RAS. His scientific interests concern mathematical and simulation models for predicting the structure of oil and gas resources in petroleum basins and the dynamics of their discoveries.


We are very grateful to L. M. Burshtein, N. A. Krylov, and V. I. Shpilman for long-term fruitful cooperation in developing the methods of quantitative assessment of petroleum prospects and discussion of the results of the work. Special thanks go to Gregory F. Ulmishek for his thorough comments and valuable suggestions to improve the manuscript, from which the article benefited significantly.


The size distribution of oil and gas fields within an arbitrary petroleum basin is approximated by the truncated Pareto distribution. We propose definite expressions for assessing the number and total resources of fields having any preset limits of field sizes and describe the application of simulational mathematical modeling for assessing the resource structure of a petroleum basin.

The Previous HitexplorationNext Hit filter model, which is a formal expression of oil and gas Previous HitexplorationNext Hit strategy, is proposed. A definite expression for the filter operating in a given basin can be obtained from the history of oil and gas discoveries in that basin. The proposed concept can be used to predict the sequence of oil and gas fields of various sizes that are likely to be discovered in the basin during further Previous HitexplorationTop.

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