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AAPG Bulletin


(Begin page 213)

AAPG Bulletin, V. 86, No. 2 (February 2002), P. 213-232.

Copyright ©2002. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Seismic sequence analysis and reservoir potential of drowned Miocene carbonate platforms in the Madura Strait, East Java, Indonesia

A. Kusumastuti,1 P. Van Rensbergen,2 J. K. Warren3

1Lasmo Companies in Indonesia, Ratu Plaza Office Tower, 29th Fl., Jl. Jendral Sudirman 9, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia; email: [email protected]
2Renard Centre of Marine Geology, Gent University, Krijgslaan 281-S8, 9000 Gent, Belgium; email: [email protected]
3Department of Petroleum Geosciences, University of Brunei Darussalam, Tungku Link, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei; email: [email protected]


Arse Kusumastuti graduated with a B.Sc. degree in geology from Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia) in 1991 and received her M.Sc. degree in petroleum geoscience from the University of Brunei Darussalam in 1998. From 1991 to 1999 she worked for Huffco/Lapindo Brantas before joining Lasmo Indonesia as a new ventures and exploration geologist. Her professional interests are sequence stratigraphy and petroleum reservoir evaluation. She is a member of AAPG, IPA (Indonesian Petroleum Association), and IAGI (Indonesian Geological Association) and serves as one of the chairmen for FOSI (Indonesian Sedimentologists Forum).

Pieter Van Rensbergen is a fellow of the National Fund for Scientific Research at the Renard Centre of Marine Geology (Ghent University, Belgium). He acquired his doctoral degree at Ghent University in 1996 and was a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Petroleum Geosciences at the University of Brunei Darussalam from 1997 to 1999. He is experienced in the geological interpretation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional seismic-reflection data in terms of sedimentary processes and structural/stratigraphical evolution. His research interests are the stratigraphy of composite sequences and the study of subsurface sediment movement in shale diapirs and mud volcanoes.

J. K. Warren is a faculty member of the Department of Petroleum Geosciences, University Brunei Darussalam (UBD), where he teaches reservoir studies, as well as carbonate and evaporite systems. Prior to joining UBD he was executive director of JK Resources Pty. Ltd (1995-1998). In his last academic appointment before joining UBD he was professor of petroleum geology (1993-1995) in the School of Applied Geology at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia. From 1989 to 1992 he was principal research scientist at the National Centre of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics in Adelaide, Australia, and before that spent the 1980s on the faculty at the University of Texas at Austin. In the early and middle 1970s he worked for the Geological Survey of South Australia and Esso Australia. Warren's interests are in characterizing rock matrix properties of petroleum reservoirs and metalliferous systems.


Seismic analysis of four Miocene carbonate buildups (the Porong, KE-11C, KD-11E, and BD buildups) in the Madura Strait region, Indonesia, shows that they are constructed of four seismic units (1-4). All the buildups are located atop an east-west-trending Oligocene fault block, which, through its uplift, favored the deposition and aggradation of shoal-water carbonates. Aggradation, platform narrowing, and backstepping of leeward reefs into the upper parts of individual buildups typify the growth profiles. Adjacent off-buildup sedimentary rocks, deposited at the same time as the buildups, show clear horizontal onlap relationships. In combination, these observations imply that all the platforms were drowned. The uppermost parts (unit 4) of each of four major drowned buildups in the trend have been drilled to test for the presence of hydrocarbons. An analysis of the drilling results, in combination with our seismic analysis, shows that those buildups that have relatively high levels of hydrocarbons have suitable trap configurations but lack Previous HitsealNext Hit integrity. For example, compactionally induced strain and gravitational gliding created leaky collapse-graben faults (extensional structures) atop some buildups (Porong, KE-11C), which allowed hydrocarbons to drain. Likewise, the updip inclination of some potential Previous HitsealTop beds facilitated leakage (KE-11E).

In terms of potential targets in similar drowned buildups in the region, higher priority should be given to targets that (1) show evidence of ongoing platform backstepping and so-called give-up reef growth profiles associated with incipient drowning, (2) contain all four seismic units (units 1-4) in the buildup, (3) lack an extensional collapse graben over the crest of the drowned structure, and (4) demonstrate bed inclinations in the sealing beds that indicate likely closure over the crest of the buildup.

(Begin page 214)

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