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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin, V. 86, No. 11 (November 2002), P. 1993-1999.

Copyright ©2002. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Resource-assessment perspectives for unconventional Previous HitgasNext Hit systems

James W. Schmoker1

1U.S. Geological Survey, Mail Stop 939, Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225; email: [email protected]


James W. Schmoker, Ph.D., is an emeritus scientist at the U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, where he has spent the last decade working on issues of petroleum resource assessment. He has contributed to the methodology used by the U.S. Geological Survey in many of their recent oil and Previous HitgasNext Hit assessments and is particularly interested in the geologic nature and approaches to resource assessment of continuous (unconventional) oil and Previous HitgasNext Hit accumulations.


I thank members of recent U.S. Geological Survey Petroleum Resource Assessment teams for the data, ideas, and suggestions they contributed. Constructive comments and reviews were provided by Ben E. Law, Ronald R. Charpentier, Brian W. Horn, and Gordon L. Dolton.


Concepts are described for assessing those unconventional Previous HitgasNext Hit sys tems that can also be defined as continuous accumulations. Contin uous Previous HitgasNext Hit accumulations exist more or less independently of the wa ter column and do not owe their existence directly to the buoyancy of Previous HitgasNext Hit in water. They cannot be represented in terms of individual, countable fields or pools delineated by downdip water contacts. For these reasons, traditional resource-assessment methods based on es timating the sizes and numbers of undiscovered discrete fields can not be applied to continuous accumulations. Specialized assessment methods are required.

Unconventional Previous HitgasNext Hit systems that are also continuous accumu lations include coalbed methane, Previous HitbasinNext Hit-Previous HitcenteredNext Hit Previous HitgasNext Hit, so-called tight Previous HitgasNext Hit, fractured shale (and chalk) Previous HitgasNext Hit, and Previous HitgasNext Hit hydrates. Deep-basin and bacterial Previous HitgasNext Hit systems may or may not be continuous accumu lations, depending on their geologic setting.

Two basic resource-assessment approaches have been em ployed for continuous accumulations. The first approach is based on estimates of Previous HitgasNext Hit in place. A volumetric estimate of total Previous HitgasNext Hit in place is commonly coupled with an overall recovery factor to nar row the assessment scope from a treatment of Previous HitgasNext Hit volumes residing in sedimentary strata to a prediction of potential additions to re serves. The second approach is based on the production perfor mance of continuous Previous HitgasNext Hit reservoirs, as shown empirically by wells and reservoir-simulation models. In these methods, production characteristics (as opposed to Previous HitgasTop in place) are the foundation for forecasts of potential additions to reserves.

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