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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin, V. 87, No. 3 (March 2003), P. 377-380.

Copyright 2003. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Introduction to AAPG Bulletin thematic issue on Previous HitfaultNext Hit seals

Russell K. Davies,1 James W. Handschy2

1Rock Deformation Research USA Inc., P.O. Box 2998, McKinney, Texas, 5070-8998; email: rdaviesrdrusa.com
2ConocoPhillips, P.O. Box 2197, Houston, Texas, 77252; email: jim.handschyconocophillips.com


Russell Davies is the United States operations manager and consulting structural geologist for Rock Deformation Research, Dallas, Texas. He received a Ph.D. in structural geology from Texas A&M University. He has worked in the oil and gas industry for more than 10 years in exploration and Previous HitproductionNext Hit with Shell and in research on topics including Previous HitfaultNext Hit interpretation methods, structural styles, and Previous HitsealTop analysis with ARCO.

Jim Handschy received a Ph.D. in geology and geophysics from Rice University. He has worked in the oil and gas industry for 17 years on exploration, development, research, and technology services projects for Phillips Petroleum, Shell Oil, and El Paso Natural Gas. He has experience in prospect development and evaluation, complex structural interpretation, and trap analysis from around the world. He has served as team leader and project manager for various groups, as chief geologist, and is currently manager of Global Geology for Upstream at ConocoPhillips.


We thank Rob Knipe and John Lorenz for comments that improved this introduction. We also thank the authors for their submissions and reviewers for their helpful comments. The reviewers of this special issue are Susan Agar, William F. Dula, Quetin J. Fisher, Richard Fox, Laurel Goodwin, William Haneberg, Robert Humphreys, Rob J. Knipe, Frank Krieger, Gavin Lewis, Eddie McAlister, James Mackay, Don Medwedeff, Tim Needham, and Scott Young.

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