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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
AAPG Bulletin, V.
2003. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
3-D seismic geomorphology: Insights into fluvial reservoir deposition and performance, Widuri field, Java Sea
David Charles Carter1
1CNOOC, Jakarta Stock Exchange Building, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52, PO Box 2759, Jakarta 12190, Indonesia; email: [email protected]
David Carter is head of geology and geophysics for the West Madura area, Java, seconded to Kodeco Energy from CNOOC, based in Jakarta. Prior to joining CNOOC in 2002, he was geophysical team leader for the north business unit of Repsol-YPF Maxus in Jakarta, where he was responsible for all aspects of geophysics carried out in the Widuri and neighboring field areas. He had been employed by Repsol-YPF Maxus since 1996 and prior to this by Western Geophysical. His main interests include geophysical interpretation and its application in field development. He has a B.Sc. degree in geology from Liverpool University and a Ph.D. from Leeds University, in the United Kingdom.
The many individuals who have worked as part of the Widuri team and led to its current understanding are thanked for their contribution. Specifically, Bill Harmony is acknowledged for his work on seismic interpretation and John Girgis is thanked for the initial opportunity to work Widuri field. The paper benefited from stratigraphic work by Mike Gardner and coworkers at CSM, and the comments of Henry Posamentier. However, responsibility for the interpretation lies with the author. Thanks also to Fauzi Alkatiri, John Armon, Wade Bard, Gunawan Juniarto, Diah Hanggoro, Bill Harmony, Lupi Harvidya, Mohamed Hegazy, Wahyu Hermukti, Romina Himawan, Sri Lestari, Pujianto Lukito, Susandhi Ridwan, Rini Saputra, Ichsan Syarkawi, Budi Setiawan, Steve Smith, and Ray Young for stimulating discussions on Widuri field. Geological cross sections were made by John Armon and Idam Mustika, and the data for the seismic amplitude crossplots, pressure crossplots, and production data were supplied by Wade Bard, Lupi Harvidya, Wahyu Hermukti, Indhira Regina, and Rini Saputra. The seismic data were acquired and processed by Geco, El-Nusa, Western Geophysical, and Detect Geophysical. The initial paper was improved by the reviews of Matthew Pranter, Jack Thomas, and an anonymous reviewer. CNOOC, Pertamina, and partners of CNOOC Southeast Sumatra B. V. are thanked for the permission to publish and the sponsorship of this article.
Three-dimensional seismic geomorphology provides an indication of a reservoir's internal and external architecture. This furthers an understanding of depositional processes and allows a prediction of fluid flow during hydrocarbon production. Seismic images of four fluvial reservoirs from Widuri oil field show a range of features related to point-bar accretion and stacking pattern. Lateral variations in reservoir quality and thickness follow scroll-bar patterns associated with lateral migration of a moderate- to high-sinuosity meandering river. These variations control fluid flow during primary and secondary hydrocarbon recovery. Interpreted bar and abandoned channel dimensions, compared with meander map form and wavelength, are consistent with observations of modern-day examples, which provides confidence in the depositional model. The high seismic resolution of the Widuri reservoirs provides useful analogs for other subsurface reservoirs from similar depositional environments.
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