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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin, V. 90, No. 3 (March 2006), P. 307-319.

Copyright copy2006. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.


Three-dimensional Previous HitstructuralNext Hit modeling and its application for development of the El Portoacuten field, Argentina

Gonzalo Zamora Valcarce,1 Tomaacutes Zapata,2 Andreacutes Ansa,3 Gustavo Selva4

1Repsol YPF, Esmeralda 255 Piso 10deg Of. 1001E, Buenos Aires C1035ABE, Argentina; [email protected]
2Repsol YPF, Esmeralda 255 Piso 10deg Of. 1001E, Buenos Aires C1035ABE, Argentina
3Repsol YPF, Esmeralda 255 Piso 10deg Of. 1001E, Buenos Aires C1035ABE, Argentina
4Repsol YPF, Esmeralda 255 Piso 10deg Of. 1001E, Buenos Aires C1035ABE, Argentina


The El Portoacuten field, located in the Neuqueacuten basin, belongs to one of the largest oil and gas trends of Argentina. Fields in the area produce oil from middle Cretaceous fluvial and eolian porous sandstones at about 600 m (1968 ft) below sea level. The field structure is described as a triangle zone located in front of the Neuqueacuten fold and thrust belt that was formed during the Andean orogeny by a combination of tight detachment folds and fault-propagation folding. The structure has a basal detachment through the contact between the evaporites of the Auquilco Formation and the shales of the Vaca Muerta Formation. The upper detachment corresponds to the salt layers of the Huitriacuten Formation. The structure was reactivated by basement fault inversion that produced tightening of the preexisting geometry and backthrusts that increased the Previous HitstructuralNext Hit complexity.

A three-dimensional (3-D) Previous HitstructuralNext Hit model has been constructed using 3-D seismic data and well information to plan new horizontal wells in steeply dipping to overturned limbs, through 50–60 m (164–196 ft) of productive reservoir avoiding pilot and sidetrack wells. The results of the modeling have made the company consider as a priority the 3-D Previous HitstructuralTop model-building procedure for the development of fields located in fold and thrust belts.

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