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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin, V. 91, No. 1 (January 2007), P. 97-113.

Copyright copy2007. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.


Quantitative analysis of slip-induced dilation with application to Previous HitfaultNext Hit seal

Scott J. Wilkins,1 Stephen J. Naruk2

1Shell International Exploration and Production, Inc., 3737 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, Texas 77025; [email protected]
2Shell International Exploration and Production, Inc., 3737 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, Texas 77025; [email protected]


A new quantitative model for calculating the volumes and rates of Previous HitfaultNext Hit-zone fluid migration during dynamic slip events is developed. This model is based on observations from laboratory rock mechanics experiments of porosity evolution during frictional sliding and geophysical data that demonstrate the existence of propagating slip pulses that experience transient dilation during earthquakes. The nature of dilation during slip is dependent on the frictional behavior; that is, whether the Previous HitfaultNext Hit experiences seismic or aseismic slip. The transient dilation that occurs during seismic slip is more efficient in transporting fluids along the Previous HitfaultNext Hit than the relatively reduced dilation that occurs during aseismic slip. For aseismic faults, fluid-migration rates are primarily dependent on the intrinsic permeability structure of the Previous HitfaultNext Hit rock during periods of no slip (static permeability). In contrast, both the static and dynamic permeabilities are important along faults that slip seismically. We infer that aseismic slip does not enhance migration significantly other than providing a transient, spatially restricted permeability increase that may act to initiate migration.

The proposed models are applied to estimate the maximum amounts of hydrocarbon leakage from seismically active faults that trap hydrocarbons in the Cusiana field, Colombia, and aseismic faults at Eugene Island Block 330 field, Gulf of Mexico. Model results are grossly consistent with observed hydrocarbon volumes and inferred along-Previous HitfaultTop migration rates from the two areas. The proposed models have broad implications for understanding the effects of faults on fluid migration during both exploration (geologic) and production time scales.

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