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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin, V. 91, No. 2 (February 2007), P. 151-160.

Copyright copy2007. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.


Late Paleozoic glacially related sandstone reservoirs in the Paranaacute Basin, Brazil

Fernando Farias Vesely,1 Sidnei Pires Rostirolla,2 Ciro Jorge Appi,3 Ronaldo Paulo Kraft4

1Laboratoacuterio de Anaacutelise de Bacias e Petrofiacutesica, Centro Politeacutecnico, Universidade Federal do Paranaacute, Caixa postal 19027 CEP: 81531-990, Curitiba, PR, Brazil; [email protected]
2Laboratoacuterio de Anaacutelise de Bacias e Petrofiacutesica, Universidade Federal do Paranaacute, C.P. 19027, 81531-990, Curitiba, Brazil; present address: Geology Department, Centro Politecnico, Federal University of Paranaacute, Jardim das Americas, Curitiba, Paranaacute 81531-990, Brazil; [email protected]
3Petroacuteleo Brasileiro, Cidade Universitaacuteria, Quadra 7, Ilha do Fundatildeo, 21949-900, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
4Laboratoacuterio de Anaacutelise de Bacias e Petrofiacutesica, Universidade Federal do Paranaacute, C.P. 19027, 81531-990, Curitiba, Brazil


Upper Paleozoic glacially related sandstones of the Itarareacute Group constitute thick and complex hydrocarbon reservoirs in the intracratonic Paranaacute Basin of southern Brazil. Because these sandstones were deposited in both glacial and nonglacial environments, they show a high degree of variability in facies. In this article, we analyze outcrop and shallow Previous HitwellNext Hit data to describe facies heterogeneities and their reservoir-quality implications. A regional subsurface Previous HitsequenceNext Hit-stratigraphic framework was built, based on both strike- and dip-oriented Previous HitwellNext Hit-to-Previous HitwellNext Hit correlations. A Previous HitwellNext Hit-exposed sandstone succession correlative with the main reservoir interval in the subsurface was selected in the eastern part of the basin. The Vila Velha sandstone comprises an up to 100-m (328-ft)-thick, unconformity-bounded, sand-rich succession composed of four stacked facies assemblages. Vertical facies succession shows a transition from glacial and glaciomarine to periglacial shallow-marine and nearshore settings, which define a retrogradational-progradational succession. Channel-mouth bars and wave-modified shoreline sandstones in the progradational section contain stratigraphically predictable reservoir-quality lithofacies. In subsurface, gas-bearing sandstone intervals with the same Previous HitwellNext Hit-Previous HitlogTop response occur below unconformities, which control the overall reservoir geometry.

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