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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin, V. 91, No. 11 (November 2007), P. 1577-1601.

Copyright copy2007. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.


Delineating confined slope turbidite systems offshore mid-Norway: The Cretaceous deep-marine Lysing Formation

Edith M. G. Fugelli,1 Tina R. Olsen2

1BP Norge A.S., P.O. Box 197, N-4065 Stavanger, Norway; [email protected]
2BP Norge A.S., P.O. Box 197, N-4065 Stavanger, Norway; present address: Gaz de France Norge A.S., P.O. Box 242, N-4066 Stavanger, Norway


The Donna Terrace is part of the morphologically complex continental slope offshore mid-Norway and contains a series of tectonically confined subbasins. These subbasins all have different sizes, shapes, and locations that strongly controlled the development of the deep-marine, Upper Cretaceous Lysing Formation. Careful mapping of the entrance points and internal faults within each subbasin is crucial for constructing a depositional model for these slope turbidite complexes. The key to successful delineation of the turbidite systems and complexes in the study area is a four-step process: (1) understanding the main Previous HitstructuralNext Hit elements on a semiregional scale; (2) mapping all Previous HitstructuralNext Hit features in detail that can impact the sediment fill within and prior to the studied interval to build a Previous HitstructuralNext Hit framework of the area; (3) performing a thorough integration of seismic, biostratigraphy, wire-line, core, and formation-pressure data for each subbasin, identifying the geometry and reservoir architecture of turbidite systems and complexes; and (4) developing a sequence-stratigraphic framework to establish if the deep-marine sedimentary fill of the subbasins is genetically linked. The importance of establishing a genetic linkage between slope basins is related to the reservoir quality of the deep-marine turbidite systems; if a cannibalization of a sandstone-dominated sedimentary fill of an updip slope basin can be demonstrated, lower risk can be assigned for reservoir quality of lower-slope-basin reservoirs. In addition, onlap style and pinch-out character of the turbidite systems yield important information of sand deposition within the turbidite systems.

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