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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin, V. 91, No. 11 (November 2007), P. 1637-1661.

Copyright copy2007. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.


Degradation of a footwall Previous HitfaultNext Hit block with hanging-wall Previous HitfaultNext Hit propagation in a continental-lacustrine setting: How a new structural model impacted field development plans, the Sirikit field, Thailand

Christopher K. Morley,1 Yarick Ionnikoff,2 Nantavan Pinyochon,3 Krongpol Seusutthiya4

1PTT Exploration and Previous HitProductionNext Hit, 555 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand; chrissmorley@gmail.com
2PTT Exploration and Previous HitProductionNext Hit Siam Ltd., 10 Soonthornkosa Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
3PTT Exploration and Previous HitProductionNext Hit Siam Ltd., 10 Soonthornkosa Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
4PTT Exploration and Previous HitProductionNext Hit Siam Ltd., 10 Soonthornkosa Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand


The Sirikit field is a large field developed in a complex tilted Previous HitfaultNext Hit block. The relatively simple stratigraphy on the tilted Previous HitfaultNext Hit block flank becomes difficult to trace onto the tilted Previous HitfaultNext Hit block crest. A recent reinterpretation of the reprocessed three dimensional seismic reflection data revealed that the difficulties of correlating reservoirs toward the crest are caused by features associated with degradation of the footwall, particularly (1) the prevalence of low-angle detachment faulting and (2) the development of discordant stratigraphic sections resulting from multiple episodes of erosion at the tilted Previous HitfaultNext Hit block crest, followed by the eastward onlap of the section onto the eroded footwall surface. The main characteristic of this structure is the preservation of the onlapping sections through periodic propagation of the main bounding Previous HitfaultNext Hit toward the hanging wall, which resulted in the accretion of former hanging-wall rocks to the footwall. This propagation sequence appears to be atypical for most degraded footwalls described in the literature. The degraded footwall model replaced earlier splaying bounding Previous HitfaultTop models used for development planning. Implementing this new structural model opened up new appraisal opportunities as the compartmentalization and reservoir distribution pictures changed. Appraisal of the reservoir now present above the hydrocarbon-water contacts following the new structural model led to a 15% increase in recoverable hydrocarbon volumes.

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