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AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin, V. 96, No. 4 (April 2012), P. 753772.

Copyright copy2012. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.


Relationship between fractures, fault zones, stress, and reservoir productivity in the Suban gas field, Sumatra, Indonesia

Peter Hennings,1 Patricia Allwardt,2 Pijush Paul,3 Chris Zahm,4 Ray Reid Jr.,5 Hugh Alley,6 Roland Kirschner,7 Bob Lee,8 Elliott Hough9

1ConocoPhillips Subsurface Previous HitTechnologyNext Hit, PR2014, 600 N. Dairy Ashford, Houston, Texas; [email protected]
2ConocoPhillips Subsurface Previous HitTechnologyNext Hit, PR2014, 600 N. Dairy Ashford, Houston, Texas; [email protected]
3ConocoPhillips Subsurface Previous HitTechnologyNext Hit, PR2014, 600 N. Dairy Ashford, Houston, Texas; [email protected]
4ConocoPhillips Subsurface Previous HitTechnologyNext Hit, PR2014, 600 N. Dairy Ashford, Houston, Texas; present address: University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, Texas; [email protected]
5ConocoPhillips Subsurface Previous HitTechnologyNext Hit, PR2014, 600 N. Dairy Ashford, Houston, Texas; [email protected]
6ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc., Ltd., Jakarta, Indonesia
7ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc., Ltd., Jakarta, Indonesia
8ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc., Ltd., Jakarta, Indonesia
9ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc., Ltd., Jakarta, Indonesia


It is becoming widely recognized that a relationship exists between stress, stress heterogeneity, and the permeability of subsurface fractures and faults. We present an analysis of the South Sumatra Suban gas field, developed mainly in fractured carbonate and crystalline basement, where active deformation has partitioned the reservoir into distinct structural and stress domains. These domains have differing geomechanical and structural attributes that control the permeability architecture of the field.

The field is a composite of Paleogene extensional elements that have been modified by Neogene contraction to produce basement-rooted forced folds and neoformed thrusts. Reservoir-scale faults were interpreted in detail along the western flank of the field and reveal a classic oblique-compressional geometry.

Bulk reservoir performance is governed by the local stress architecture that acts on existing faults and their fracture damage zones to alter their permeability and, hence, their access to distributed gas. Reservoir potential is most enhanced in areas that have large numbers of fractures with high ratios of shear to normal stress. This occurs in areas of the field that are in a strike-slip stress style. Comparatively, reservoir potential is lower in areas of the field that are in a thrust-fault stress style where fewer fractures with high shear-to-normal stress ratios exist. Achieving the highest well productivity relies on tapping into critically stressed faults and their associated fracture damage zones. Two wellbores have been drilled based on this concept, and each shows a three- to seven-fold improvement in flow potential.

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