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AAPG Bulletin


DOI: 10.1306/03031413025

Upper Devonian–Mississippian stratigraphic framework of the Arkoma Basin and distribution of potential source-rock facies in the Woodford–Chattanooga and Fayetteville–Caney shale-gas systems

David W. Houseknecht,1 William A. Rouse,2 StanleyT. Paxton,3 John C. Mars,4 and Bryant Fulk5

1U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia; [email protected]
2U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia; [email protected]
3U.S. Geological Survey, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; [email protected]
4U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia; [email protected]
5U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia; [email protected]


Wireline logs were used to document the stratigraphic framework of Upper Devonian–Mississippian strata in the Arkoma Basin, and maps of high-gamma ray (HGR) Previous HitlogNext Hit response were used to analyze the spatial distribution of potential source rocks in the Woodford–Chattanooga and Fayetteville–Caney shale-gas systems. The Woodford–Chattanooga shale is a transgressive deposit that accumulated on an arid continental margin influenced by marine upwelling and minimal sediment influx. A broad HGR depocenter along the southwestern margin of the basin includes two areas of higher accommodation containing the thickest HGR concentrations. Basin-wide patterns of HGR likely reflect broad tectonic influence on accommodation. The proportion of chert in the formation increases eastward and southward, likely reflecting latitudinal and bathymetric influence on the accumulation of siliceous ooze. The Lower Mississippian Burlington Previous HitsequenceTop, which lies between the two shale-gas systems, comprises carbonate ramp and distal shale deposits. Proximal ramp facies form an apron around the southern flank of the Ozark uplift and grade radially basinward into distal facies. An Upper Mississippian succession in the east includes lowstand deposits of the Batesville delta, which onlap the relict Burlington ramp. Basinwide, the succession includes the transgressive Fayetteville–Caney shale overlain by regressive deposits of the proximal Pitkin Limestone and distal upper Fayetteville (Arkansas) and “false” Caney (Oklahoma) shale. The HGR shale is concentrated in an area of intermediate accommodation on the western margin of the Mississippi Embayment and just basinward of the Pitkin Limestone pinchout in Arkansas, and in an area of relatively high accommodation in Oklahoma.

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