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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin, V. 98, No. 9 (September 2014), P. 17731788.

Copyright copy2014. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

DOI: 10.1306/03241413134

Compressibility of sorptive porous media: Part 2. Experimental study on coal

Shimin Liu1 and Satya Harpalani2

1 Pennsylvania State University, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802; szl3@psu.edu
2 Southern Illinois University, Department of Mining and Mineral Resources Engineering, Carbondale, Illinois 62901; satya@engr.siu.edu


This paper, second of a two-part series, discusses the results of the experimental work conducted to estimate the different compressibilities of coal under both unconstrained and constrained conditions. Under unconstrained conditions, the shrinkage or swelling compressibility (C m) was measured, which was found with certainty to be a pressure-dependent parameter. The model proposed to estimate BLTN13134eq1 was able to effectively predict the variation trend, although the modeled values were larger than those calculated using experimental results. The pore-volume compressibility BLTN13134eq2 under uniaxial strain conditions for helium depletion was found to be a constant positive value. The value of BLTN13134eq3 for methane depletion, however, was found negative, indicating that the pore volume (cleat) increases with depletion. Moreover, its absolute value increased with decreasing methane pressure. Consistent with field permeability observations, the permeability increases with methane depletion, and the rate of increase at lower pressures is higher than at high pressures. The proposed pore-volume compressibility model was well able to predict the variation.

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