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AAPG Bulletin


DOI: 10.1306/03241412125

A simple model of gas production from hydrofractured horizontal wells in shales

Tad Patzek,1 Previous HitFrankTop Male,2 and Michael Marder3

1The University of Texas, Department of Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering, Austin, Texas 78712; [email protected]
2The University of Texas, Department of Physics, Austin, Texas 78712; [email protected]
3The University of Texas, Department of Physics, Austin, Texas 78712; [email protected]


Assessing the production potential of shale gas can be assisted by constructing a simple, physics-based model for the productivity of individual wells. We adopt the simplest plausible physical model: one-dimensional pressure diffusion from a cuboid region with the effective area of hydrofractures as base and the length of horizontal well as height. We formulate a nonlinear initial boundary value problem for transient flow of real gas that may sorb on the rock and solve it numerically. In principle, solutions of this problem depend on several parameters, but in practice within a given gas field, all but two can be fixed at typical values, providing a nearly universal curve for which only the appropriate scales of time in production and cumulative production need to be determined for each well. The scaling curve has the property that production rate declines as one over the square root of time until the well starts to be pressure depleted, and later it declines exponentially. We show that this simple model provides a surprisingly accurate description of gas extraction from 8305 horizontal wells in the United States’ oldest shale play, the Barnett Shale. Good agreement exists with the scaling theory for 2133 horizontal wells in which production started to decline exponentially in less than 10 yr. We provide upper and lower bounds on the time in production and original gas in place.

Symbols and dimensions of key quantities
Symbol SI dimensions Field dimensions
BLTN12125eq1–compressibility BLTN12125eq2 μ cip
BLTN12125eq3–half-distance between hydrofractures m ft
BLTN12125eq4–production decline coefficient
BLTN12125eq5–permeability BLTN12125eq6 darcy
BLTN12125eq7–partitioning coefficient
BLTN12125eq8–gas pseudopressure BLTN12125eq9 BLTN12125eq10
BLTN12125eq11–cumulative produced mass kg ton
BLTN12125eq12–Original gas in place kg ton
BLTN12125eq13–molecular weight kmol lbmol
BLTN12125eq14–formation thickness m ft
BLTN12125eq15–pressure Pa psi
BLTN12125eq16–volumetric flow rate BLTN12125eq17 bbl/d
BLTN12125eq18–volumetric cumulative production BLTN12125eq19 bbl
BLTN12125eq20—universal gas constant J/kmol-K psi-BLTN12125eq21-mol
BLTN12125eq22–recovery factor
BLTN12125eq24–time in production s month, y
BLTN12125eq25–temperature K °F, °C
BLTN12125eq26–specific volume BLTN12125eq27 BLTN12125eq28
BLTN12125eq29–molar composition
BLTN12125eq30–compressibility factor
BLTN12125eq31–hydraulic diffusivity BLTN12125eq32 BLTN12125eq33
BLTN12125eq34–dimensionless constant for gas production in square root phase
BLTN12125eq35–dimensional constant for gas production in square root phase BLTN12125eq36 BLTN12125eq37
BLTN12125eq38–gas viscosity Pa s cp
BLTN12125eq39–density BLTN12125eq40 BLTN12125eq41
BLTN12125eq42–time to interference s y
Subscripts and Superscripts
Symbol Meaning
BLTN12125eq44 adsorbed
BLTN12125eq45 (hydro)fracture
BLTN12125eq46 gas
BLTN12125eq47 initial
BLTN12125eq48 Langmuir
BLTN12125eq49 stock tank conditions
BLTN12125eq50 water
BLTN12125eq51 connate water
0 reference or standard conditions

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