AAPG Bulletin;
Year: 2016;
Issue: May
DOI: 10.1306/02011614118
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Figure 8. The relationships between the upscaled permeabilities (PERMX and PERMY) of the displaced property models (before the slip zone permeability implementations) and the upscaled permeabilities of the merged models (after the slip zone permeability implementations) for all slip zone permeability cases: (A and B) MembraneSZ-0.001md case, (C and D) MembraneSZ-0.01md case, (E and F) ConduitSZ-2000md case, and (G and H) ConduitSZ-10000md case. The abbreviations PERMX and PERMY refer to upscaled permeabilities in the directions perpendicular and parallel, respectively, to the corresponding fault segment. In each diagram, circle and triangle symbols indicate that merged model permeabilities are lower and higher than displaced model permeabilities, respectively.
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