Figure 2. Thin-section photomicrograph images of analyzed samples: (A) W2-01 (porosity [φ] = 16.3%, permeability [k] = 0.24 md, P-wave velocity [Vp] = 4.11 km/s [13,484 ft/s]), poorly sorted oncolitic peloidal skeletal packstone–grainstone in which interparticle and intraparticle macroporosity are pervasively calcite cemented (red arrows), and (B) W2-03 (φ = 21.9%, k = 2.02 md, Vp = 2.64 km/s [8661 ft/s]), poorly sorted oncolitic peloidal skeletal packstone with isolated biomolds (yellow arrow) and compaction seams (black arrow). Note: A color version can be seen in the online version.